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Jasper pov
I don't like Charlotte anymore I love her. She always on my mind that gorgeous hair and those amazing eyes. I don't know how to win her over and I have to. Henry is fighting for her too. Andy he is too but he is keeping it on the down side right now.
Charlotte pov
I no longer have Boyfriend and Jasper, Henry and Jasper keep fighting over me in going crazy. I know all things happen for Reason but this it isn't. I don't know who to choose. I have to hide . I run home and lock the door and go to my bathroom. I start to pick up the razor from my drawer. I look at it and cut once it hurts but it makes my emotional pains go away. The red blood drips down my arm them I hear mom calling. I run wipe it off and open the door.A after that I text Amanda my bestie from my old school
Char- hey Mandy wassup
Mandy-hey char
Char- I have three guys fighting over me
Mandy- ahh awesome
Char- not when their you three best friends
Mandy- oh no. Sorry gtg ttyl sista

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