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Elizabeth's POV

Is there something on my face? Is my hair retarded today? Was Kyle actually watching me??

I finish grabbing my school books and then head towards my maths class. On my way i spot Emily. "Hey Em!" I shout to her. She just looks up and gestures for me to come over to her. I walk over to her as fast as i can through the crowded hallway of students. We have a big school. Before i could mutter out a single word, she speaks. 

"Guess what Lizzie!" 

"Your crazy and i'm not?" I reply amusingly. 

"Shut up you, guess what? Like actually guess this time." 

'Ring Ring' and there goes the bell. 

"You have maths with me now?" I take my guess.

"Seriously Liz, you should take things more seriously." 

"Well i did guess didn't I?" I reply with a smirk.

"Maybe you don't want to know anything about the crazy kewl party that we got invited to then?" 

"What are you on about Em?" I reply curiously.

"Kyle Nathan's party. This weekend. Dress up. Masks?" She whispers while pulling out a piece of paper."One bring a friend invite to Kyle Nathan's party." She smiles.

"OMG, where did you get that Em? You didn't steal it did you?" As i flip over the paper back and forth checking if its authentic. 

And she starts telling me a story about how she was walking home yesterday from work, she works at the local diner. As she was letting her straight black hair out and pulling her blue, red and white diner outfit off (she wears mini shorts and a singlet underneath) Joey's car pulled up with him and his girlfriend Jessica in the passenger side. He asked if she needed a ride. Em said no and was about to carry on walking when he said "Wait, I have to give you something!" So she walked back to the car. "Here, this is an invite to Kyle's party this weekend, hope you come. Oh and bring a friend," he said while handing over the party invite and then driving off.

That was it, the story about how she got the invite. Although it seemed possible i still thought it was abit unrealistic, seeing as Joey and Kyle don't even see us at school. It's like we're invisible or something. 

"So I think you should wear blue and I'll wear green or pink." She said enthusiastically.

"i'm not going Em." I say, trying not to ruin her really good mood. 

"Why the hell not?" Em replied.

"Because, they probably just want us to go, to make fun of us. Im not going to fall for it Em. Sorry but I like my life the way it is, without having to go to that stupid party which we won't even have fun at anyways. It will probably end up screwing up the rest of my school life." I explain to her quietly as we reach our maths class.

"And i understand that Lizzie. But it's a mask party, which means?" She asks me, hoping me to catch onto what ever she's thinking about. I think about it for awhile and then catch on. 

"That we could make ourselves look like someone else, someone mysterious with masks and they will never know it's us. We could go under the radar. Which means they wouldn't be able to pull any pranks!" I say really excited, almost escaping my whisper. 

"Yep, so we are going shopping after school on Thursday." She states, knowing that i love shopping.

"Can't wait." I reply forgetting to whisper. The teacher just turns around glares at me, so we don't talk much more for the rest of the lesson...


Kyle's POV

I really hope she didn't catch me staring. God Dammit. Im such an idiot and now she's walking away.  

"Kyle.. Kyle.. KYLE!!!" Joey was almost yelling at me while waving his hands infront of my face. 

"Sorry, what were we talking about?" I say while I bring my attention back to my two friends that are wondering what the hell i was thinking about or staring at. 

"I was talking about our party this weekend man! How off the chain it's going to be. All mysterious like." He said, sounding really pumped about 'my' party. You see, Joey organises most of my parties, half of them without me knowing. Which my parents are totally kewl with besides the mess, so we spend the whole next day cleaning my house. I wasn't too excited for this party he had planned, but i have to go anyway. I mean how lame would it be if i didn't even show up to my own party at my own house?

"Yeah man, it'll be kewl." I reply, not really caring much. He notices.

"Dude, what's up with you? Is this about your career in football? Or is this something else?" He pauses for a bit then says "When was the last time you got laid man?" Yep that's Joey, my bestfriend for you.

'Ring, Ring.' The bell rings and I have no idea what class i have. "Hey Matt, do you know what we have?" I ask my other friend, because knowing Joey he wouldn't have the slightest idea.

"Uhmmm i think we have P.E?" He replies after thinking about it for awhile.

"Kewl, that's great. I feel like i need to let out some energy." I reply. 

We all head towards the gym, on the way Jessica comes up to us. 

"Hey guys," She says while she puts her arms around Joey. 

"Hey babe." Joey replies.

"Hey Jess," replies Matt and I. 

"I've got something to show you after school." She says while trailing her hand down his body towards the top of his pants, as she reaches his pants, she pulls away and starts walking down the hall. Matt and I just continue walking while Joey stands back to admire his misses ass as it walks away.

We all get to P.E in time and i start to think about that girl. 

Whats her name? Does she know me? Even though i kind of new the answer to that second question, as practically everyone at school knows me unless their new. That's it! She must be new, because i've never seen her around school before. Just then another question popped into my head. Has she been invited to my party? Becuase if she hasn't, she has to be.

I walk over to Joey doing his stretches and ask if he has started handing out flyers. 

"Yeah man, i started like two days ago. Why?" Joey replies.

"Just wondering if someone got one. Do you remember who you handed them to?" I ask, hoping he already given her an invite.

"Yeah, i think i do. Who do you wanna know about? Rebecca?" He asks, curious to my interrogavtive questioning. 

"No not Rebecca, I think shes a new girl. I don't know her name. She's got dark-ish brown wavy hair that's just alittle more then half way down her back and light coloured eyes. Slim figure, a nice figure." I say, not knowing how much i had really paid attention. 

Joey just stares at me and then starts thinking. 

"Nope, i don't recall any girl like that. But i could be wrong. Plus i gave a couple to Jessica to hand out." he replies, sounding kind of worried for my well being. 

"Oh well, guess i'll just find out if she comes." 

"When did you meet her?" he asks me curiously. 

"Uhmm the other day.." I say, lieing to my friend because he would think im crazy if i just saw her and was hoping just to get a chance to talk to her. 

"Ok, well yeah. If she's new then Jessica would probably invite her. Don't you worry about a thing man." he says, trying to reassure me.  We get on with the rest of class and the rest of the day seems to go really slow.

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