Chapter 1

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"Maverick! Whats the problem! Ok everyone, five laps around the gym." My coach yelled abruptly. He was so strict. Just because i messed up on my tumbling pass and landed on my arse after my back tuck.

I got up off the ground and began to run at my normal pace around the tgym

Five laps later i was back in the center of the mat with my regular stunt group

"You alright mav? Its not like yourself to be falling after tumbling passes, and twisting your ankle landing jumps.." My best friend sam spoke softly

"Shes right love. Your never like this. Just try to get the act together because worlds is only two weeks away." My other base max said with a smile.

He's right. I need to get my head in the game. Were leaving in two days for worlds and will be my first worlds performance ever since i moved to texas

I cheer for cheer athletics. I started about 3 months ago after i moved to texas from Michigan. Ive basically been cheering since i was in third grade and started competitive

cheering when i was 12. Not a good age to start comp, i know but it was okay. I went to a small elite team in Michigan called "capital cheer all-stars" i hated it there. Everyone hated me. I was basically no good for the team.

Well enough of my pity story, im currently 16 and living in dallas texas. Cheering is basically my air. I breathe sleep and eat it.

I know what your thinking, "I'm sure you have more to your life than just cheer" but really i don't. I don't have many friends just my friends from cheer. My parents passed away when i was about 10 and now i live with my auntie and uncle. Its okay with them but will never be the same

I was snapped out of my thoughts my sam jumping into my hands.

I pulled her up into an extension while she was pulling body positions above my head. Me and max's chests pressed against each other while we worked together to keep our best friend in the air making sure she wont fall.

The three of us are very close. Most people call us dumb dumber and dumbest, max being dumb, me being dumber and sam being dumbest. Shes the biggest blonde ever.


After practice i got home and grabbed my laptop.

" C'mon, boot up you worthless piece of shit." I muttered to my computer. Yes I'm a loser don't judge.

Once my laptop was fully alive i logged onto my tumblr. My other life besides cheer. One fricking direction.

I have like two sides of my life.

One being one direction.

And the other being cheer

I cant choose between them.

Reblog after reblog, gif after gif, and picture after picture, i finally decided to go to sleep. I have an all day

practice tomorrow so we can have tim to discuss rules and regulations for worlds







"UGH SHUT UP" i groaned rolling over to turn off my alarm clock. It was 6:30 and the morning and i had to get ready for practice

I hobbled to the bathroom and cringed when i looked in the mirror.

I look awful in the morning

I splashed some water on my face to wake me up a bit and applied my practice makeup

I threw my hair up in a pony tail not bothering to poof it. Im too lazy today.

I shuffled to my bedroom and pulled out my blue sequined sports bra and my white and black cheetah print nike pros.

I grabbed my cheer bag and was about to leave when i heard my aunt yell from the kitchen,



Shes too energetic for this hour.

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