Chapter 5

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It was about 12:00 in the morning so we all agreed to head back to our hotel.

"Hey maverick i need to talk to you when we get back to our room." Sam told me.

Thats odd. We talk about everything as a group? Me and sam were sharing a room and max was in a room with david and beck because 'guys cant room with girls' whatever.

I slid the room key into the slot and unlatched the door and plopped down onto a bed. "So sammy whaddya wanna talk about." I said facing her.

"Is there something going on between you and max." She asked plainly.


"Is it that obvious??" I asked her.

She stared at me.


I cut her off

"SAM! Were not dating! I thought you meant like do i like him because . Well honestly i dont know.." I trailed off.

"Mav. You can tell me anything. K?"

I thought about it.

"Yeah. I guess im just really confused." I lied.

"Ok. Well im going to sleep. Remember you can trust me."

"Hey sam?"

"Yeah mav?"

"Thank you."

Then i let sleep take over me.


"So what park today?" I asked sam as we went to pick up max from his room.

"How is epcot?" She asked.

"Epcot's good." I replied. We walked up to max's door and knocked. Shortly after he opened the door. "Ready?" He said with a smile. We nodded and headed for the busses.

The line for the bus was surprisingly short. We each climbed up the steps into the bus and went to the back and i set across from max and sam.

Along the ride we made small talk about our routine for worlds until we pulled up in front of the gates.

The first thing i spotted was a big ball thing that resembled a silver golf ball.

We decided on walking through the park before going on any rides.

The arcitecture of this place is insane. Its all so beautiful here.

"Im hungry." Sam complained. "Your ALWAYS hungry sam." Max said to her. Its true. She could eat 5 cheesburgers, 3 steaks, 10 salads, and a whole chocolate cake and still be starving.

Shes one hungry girl.

We walked into a little restraunt that wasnt that busy.

When we finished eating we walked over to the test track. Ive read about this ride and ive been DYING to ride it.

We hopped into the line and after about 30 minuets of waiting, we were ushered into a large room.

There were screens with hi - tech looking cars on them.

I ran to one and started desinging my car.

When i was done i had this awesome pimped out car with large tires and bright pink flames decales to fit in with the blue paint job.

I took my room key out of the slot and went to where they were loading the rides up. I sat in my seat next to sam and max sat in the back with some other stranger.

The car began to navigate through its different "modes"

Then came the end.

"Full power mode." The speaker droned

The car launched out into the night.

It was going around corners at high speed while me and sam squealed. And max and the other person that was on the ride were laughing.

The ride went back into the building and slowed to a stop

We all stumbled out of the car and went into the results room. I waved my room key over the little disney thingy and my car appeared on the screen. I saw max and sam repeat my action.

Their cars came up on the screen. I looked at everyones results

Max- 6.3


Me- 8.4

I fist pumped and then screamed "THAS RIGHT BISHESSSS. I WONN. I WONN. I WONN. YOU LOST." I bragged pointing to max and sam when i said 'you lost'

"Okay lightning McQueen lets get out of this crowded room." Max stated while beginning to walk out with sam with me not to far behind.

Bitch please i was busy doing my victory dance.

"Nice moves" i heard a voice and deep chuckle following.

"Thanks ya know i try. Dance to impre-" i stopped what i was saying when i turned around and saw who i was talking to.




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