Chapter 13: Dress Up

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I jump onto Marleen's back, throwing my legs over her side to look more royal. The boys finish suiting up into their armor, covering their faces. Isaac jumps onto Hades. He leans over and grabs Marleen's reins.

The other three hop onto their horses and take the triangle position. Then, we leave the forest.

A few yards away stood a group of soldiers. Their horses were different colors and rugged, but well taken care of. The men were in armor, but it wasn't sitting right. Behind them were bags of something. I tilt my head, something was wrong with these soldiers.

The ruggedly handsome man in front voice leaks through his armor. "You are entering this kingdom's territory! Remove your weapons and bring them forward!"

Isaac looks to the leader, "I'm afraid not sir. We do not carry weapons."

"I'm sure your guards do ..." The leader almost smirks.

Isaac's jaw clenches, "You cannot do that Sir. We need these weapons for protection!"

"Of course not! This kingdom is well protected!" Some man in the group of soldiers shouts. The soldiers laugh.

I interrupt before Isaac explodes, "Funny you should say that. Especially since you are the people we need protection from. If I were you, I'd step aside."

"Absolutely not ma'am! We are here to make sure everyone who enters is safe and not trying to harm the king!" The leader shouts. A man snickers behind him. The leader continues, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Sir, shouldn't you teach your wife to keep her mouth shut?"

Huntress mentally attacks the man but I reel her back, "Calm Huntress. Soon you may stun him."

Isaac starts to speak again but I hush him with a wave of a hand. Isaac holds back the want to strangle me, I could feel it. Though, I'm pretty sure that my 'guards' had their mouths dropped.

"This wife does not need her mouth shut for she belongs to no man." I say calmly.

The soldiers in front of us tilt their heads, whispering, "She isn't married? She isn't married? I can see why. Does she really mean it? And ect..."

Isaac's voice bursts into my head, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

I wince at how loud his voice was in my head. I glare at him and look back to the 'soldiers'. "Sirs, I wouldn't take our weapons..."

The leader flicks his hand and three men slipped off their horses and come over to us. They started to take the weapons from the guys. "And why is that mi'lady?"

"Because while you are dressed as something that you are not, we are doing the same thing." I state.

Behind me I could hear grumbles from my 'guards'.

"What are you talking about dear princess? We are soldiers! We are to make sure you are safe when you cross!" The three men wobble back with all the weapons. Except for mine.... That is.

I smirk, "Safe from who? You? The only protection this kingdom needs is from you... the Viper Clan."

Instantly weapons were drawn from their side. Again, jaws drop next to me.

The leader smirks behind his helmet, "So you know who we are Princess?"

I shrug, "Not that difficult. But can you guess who I am?"

The leader sneers, "You respond to Princess, you must be a princess."

I grin, Huntress taking over just slightly, "Maybe this will help you get a clue..." I wipe off the heavy makeup covering my tattoo. "Guards, why not show them your tattoos?"

Erin, Chancellor, and Vincent all have smirks on as they take off their helmets to show their tracker tattoos.

"You are trackers!" A man shouts from the Viper clan who were currently acting like soldiers.

"Mm... Not quite. You forgot to add Death's trackers." I tease.

Everyone by now had their weapons drawn; except for Isaac, Erin, Chancellor, and Vincent, who had their weapons taken from them.

The leader smirks, "And what are you? You have a tattoo but it's not on your face. Are his play thing?"

Isaac growls by my side. I shush him by gently putting my hand on his broad shoulder. He calms. "No. I am not his play thing. But... I am one of his most dangerous things."

"Ya right. You are a girl. Girls aren't killer trackers." Another man sneers from behind the leader.

My sadistic smile creeped onto my face, "Why then you must have not heard of the Princess of the Glysa kingdom."

"That Princess is a slave under King Glysa!" A man shouts.

I shake my head, "No. She is now Death's slave and tracker." I smile, "Would you like to know who she is just in case she comes over to this territory and you would know to take her weapons also?"

Some of the stupider men in the Viper Clan nod fearfully.

I smirk, "Me." Huntress flares to life. My adrenaline kicks in as my eyes start to tingle and glow. I flip off of Marleen's back, one of my hidden daggers coming out. I land in a crouch in front of the horse. I flick the dagger to Chancellor. "Time to fight. Right?" He catches it with ease, sneering.

War cries sound from Viper Clan's side as they attack and I can't help but smile. "Isaac, don't you want to join?"

Isaac stands on Hades' back and flips off, landing at my side. "With pleasure... princess."

I roll my eyes and unclip the dagger tied to my leg. I throw it at him as the men charged at us. I take out the knife hidden under my skirts and put myself in a defense position.

"Vincent! Get figuring out how to trap without much of a fight. Erin, use your magic!" I command, Huntress half of me.

The men finally make it and my knife ricochets of the man's sword. Sparks fly as he tries to slice me and as I easily defend.

"Come on..." I toy, "You can do better." I jump onto a nearby tree, flipping off of it and landing behind the man. I ram my foot into his backside, sending him face first into the tree. He faints as his head collides with the wood.

Isaac was pinning down a man with his weird dark magic as Chancellor was tying up a man to a tree. Vincent was on his horse, laughing as Chancellor made weird puns as he tied up the man. Erin was smiling as he watched the scene. I turn around to find all of the Viper Clan's people running away. The leader of course stayed.

The leaders eyes twinkled as he looked upon me. "You know. I didn't recognize you in the beginning Scarlett."

I tense. "Who are you?"

The leader takes off his helmet, revealing a blonde, with two different shades of green eyes. A perfect white smile goes into a smirk, "Why I can't believe you don't notice your to-be husband."

My mouth drops. "Malden?!

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