Chapter 4: Fighting for a Promise

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  Early update! Sorry for not updating later, but yep! I'm not patient :P lol... This chapter is a little weird, but I promise it will get better!!! So... :3



"SCREECHHHH!" screams the creature as I embed my dagger into its leg. I have a weird hate to killing. I HATE killing. Isn't funny that I am a Tracker Assassin that is trained to kill?

The animal quickly scurries off with a limp and I continue through the thick forest, annoyed at the amount of creatures trying to kill me while I was trying to avoid death itself.

The air was hot and wet. The forest was alive with shrieks and shrills of animals. Vines hang overhead and moss draped over everything. I silently sulk through the forest. Two minutes were already up and I have faced the weirdest and most aggressive animals I have ever seen.

The forest ends suddenly to give way to a wide open plain that was surrounded with trees at all sides.

Here. Says Huntress mentally.

I look around. There were no big beasts in sight. What were they so afraid of? I shrug and continue walking, though all my senses were on high alert.

"CRUNCH!" I step onto what I thought was a log but instead a large bone, larger and thicker than myself.

A low growl sounds from somewhere behind the trees and I freeze.

I feel a hot breath of my naked neck and flip around. Scales. All I saw were scales. My eyes travel up and up and up until they finally reach the head of the beast.

Its intelligent reptilian yellow eyes watched me with a heated glare. Its blue snake-like tongue flickers through its reptilian lips and back into the safety of its sharp mouth.

The creature itself was like a large lizard. Spikes were around its sides and darker colored scales covered its body. Its white soft stomach contrasted deeply with its black scales. Its claws were sharp and long, like its long tail.

The creature hisses and bares its fangs. I was its threat. Every human that must have come through here must have tried to kill it.

And apparently they ALL succeeded! Huntress responds to my thought sarcastically.

The creature zips back into the dark forest, blending in and it roars. I tense, watching my surroundings as the creature runs around like lightning, shaking trees so fast and causing birds to fly up in fear.

Then, it was in front of me. Its intelligent eyes locked onto mine.


Then the reptile roars and charges. Slow motion takes me as I step back. The creature lunges its large head forward and I jump up, sliding down its back as it flips around, trying to get me. I flip off its tail only to have the tail whip me.

I cry out in pain, feeling the sharp sting of the whip across my eye. I growl, trying back to look at it. I scream, running towards it. It roars, running towards me. Its tail whips out tripping me. I grunt in pain, collapsing onto my knee. I just back up and the lizard hisses at me. I catch its eyes and see my own emotions reflect to me. We were both scared. Scared of the future. Scared of the past. Scared that our masks will come down.

No... I repeat.

No what? Huntress asks, getting ready to take over if need. I stand. The lizard circles me as I circle it. We stop, a few hundred feet away from each other, just watching.

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