Help our sister's grandfather to open his heart to you, so he can let you in and receive the peace that only you can give and the joy that your presence brings. Open his eyes to see the wonderful things you've done for him and open his ears to listen your voice.
Help his family to be always a light in his life and give them the patience and the strength to keep sharing your message of love to this lovely person and many more.
Thanks for everything you've done for us and please, please, let every single petition of our hearts be fulfilled according to your will.
We love you, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.
Petitions, Requests and Supplications.
Spiritual• The petitions of a humble heart and contrite spirit he will not despise. The opening of our hearts to our heavenly Father, the acknowledgment of our entire dependence, the expression of our wants, the homage of grateful love--this is true prayer...