Prologue: Aura & Sacred Treasures

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Over 7 Mileniums ago a young Pharaoh by the name of Alucard was desperately looking for a way to bring back prosperous days of his kingdom. He tried from time and time again to use black magic but it didnt work.

One night he was sleeping and in his dream he met two men. One Man was a black distoriented figure. While the other man was A white distoriented figure. Both men placed there hands out and said "We can bestow thee knowledge or strength, but you can only take from 1 of us. Right as Alucard was about to take the man in blacks hand he heard a strange female voice and woke.

Unknown Female: WAKKKKKE UP

Alucard: Who is thou to wake up royalty, I should have you executed.

Unknown Female: We have to go now your in danger. (Grabs Alucard and runs with him to the nearest trading post)

Alucard: Woman Identify yourself now and take those wraps off your face.

Korrina: I am Korrina, It is nice to meet you your highness I am your guardian I am here to give a message from your father to you.

Alucard: That is preposterous my father was killed.

Korrina: This was left from your father a little before the late VII Kings death he said to give you this prior to your 15th birthday.

Note: Alucard, Son I had wished to be with you on this day that you became a man but I failed to make it. Prior to you getting this message I am already dead and to your assumptions somebody killed me. I wont say your wrong but your not right. It was not a human that killed me but a demon. The ruler of the east covenant was taken over by Azazel a high ranking evil spirit I was able to succeed and reduce his power to 50 percent but bout time I knew it my Aura was already depleted and started taking from my life force. Son you will finish off Azazel but first you have to learn the sacred Arts Of Aura Nd Sacred Weapons.

Alucard: I do not understand this Aura stuff but If that is my path to revenge my father and stop all this war and poverty in my country so be it. Korrina teach me now!

Korrina: In all due time young highness but before thou can wield it thou must learn where it comes from.

Alucard: Well start speaking then.

Korrina: There Are multiple gods in this world but theres only two who completely came to a point where they had to create soldiers to fight for them because they always endnt up having a draw. We know them as God and Satan, these two created Aura as an energy source in all beings. Every living thing has it from plants, to animals, to humans, but only beings who have a potent amount of it can harness it and use it. Once tapping in Aura allows you to manipulate every element to whatever nature your aura can produce. God and Satan made this for there soldiers to fight to see who had the rights to control the world for this year. Now its time to talk about Sacred Weapons, these weapons are like and extension of ones body by allowing ones aura to make it do incredible feats like magnetism, engulfing itself in lava, creating a blizzard basically whatever your aura allows you to do. Are you able to take that all in?

Alucard: Yes, I understand it perfectly.

Korrina: Well we have three weeks to get you ready lets start your training.

(Korrina & Alucard Train through his birthday for three weeks)

Alucard: I am now able to avenge my father. But I have no weapon that will affect Azazel, Korrina what should I do?

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