Two: Friends

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"Good morning. Hope to see you at lunch?" Taylor passes by me and bumps shoulders with mine. "Sounds like a plan." I tell him happily, my nerves rushing like crazy.

Matthew catches up with me as this is our typical meet up spot in the morning before any classes. It just makes me wonder if taylor knows that I'm here or if he just happened to see me today.

"So... I'll catch you." Taylor opens out his arms lowly and leans and I stretch my arms out quickly so I can manage to hold him in response. "Bye." I send my goodbyes and watch him walk away, tightening the strap of his backpack.

I look at Matthew and he just stares at me weird. "What?" I laugh, the pit of my heart blooming. "Oh. It's just that you've hated on him before and apparently he'll catch you later? What's that all about."

And like I've assumed. He's not going to approve me liking Taylor! We use to both talk bad about Taylor, well, Matthew would talk bad and I would respond to back it up. I just didn't want to make it seem like I've liked him for all these years.

It actually hasn't been years, I liked Taylor sophomore year when I had PE with him and one time I passed our during the mile and he stopped running just to help me. It was sweet and I never forgot, but clearly he probably has, and now that I've approached him, it seems like he suddenly knows me again.

I've been watching him in this distance become the MVP for track, and seeing him get scholars for basketball, having girls cheer him on during football games.

Taylor excels in so many while I take dance classes and play instruments. I personally would like to say it's a wonderful performing arts talent but I feel as if I don't get enough recognition for theatric as athletes do.

"Hey! Shawn. The bell rang. And you just ignored me." Matthew snaps and pushes my shoulder. He immediately walks away and I literally just watch him leave.

While walking, I see Cameron a few feet in front of me. I speed walk my way over to him. "Hey. I know we have next period together." I comment softly.

"Right on. So, literature. So bleh right?" Cameron groans. "Oh, I actually like reading." I say kind of embarrassed. "Well. Just for you, I'll make sure I pay more attention in there."

12:36 pm

I wait for Matthew in front of his class because it's a few doors down mine and he's the guy to take his time on packing up because he makes sure to get through every lesson being presented.

"Matty! Wait!" I see Matthew storming out of class and he pushed pass me previously when I awaited in front of the door. "Matt!" I shout and hook his arm. "What? Why are you so upset. Sorry for dazing off earlier. Let's go eat lunch with Cam and Tay."

Matthew rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "Nicknames for them too now?" He says in the most ignorant tone ever. "I'm helping you okay. Everything I'm doing, is to get you closer to them. And if you're jealous or something that I'm talking to them or you feel replaced, don't think that way. Please Matt. I'm trying." I say with sympathy.

I see him close his eyes with a deep breath. He nods slowly, "My apologies. Now, let's just go hang out with them... Buddy." Matthew throws his arm over me as we walk toward the lunch shack where Taylor had text me during class to meet them.

"Hey." Taylor says to me and walks in front of us. Cameron on the side of Matthew. Yes! "So guys. This is Matt. If you didn't know."

"Ah. So I've heard about you. You're like really big on school spirit which is great. I've seen you in some of our games. Thanks for the support." Taylor mentions gladly. I smile at all of us becoming good friends.

Taylor gets close to me and whispers against my ear, "I want to also talk to you alone soon." I stare at him oddly and end up walking on forward with the rest of the guys.

During lunch, Matthew and I sit on one end while Cameron and Taylor are on the other. We talk about the dumbest things and honestly I feel like we all fit together perfectly.

When the bell rings Matthew says he has to leave immediately. He kisses my head and runs off while I'm still sitting at the table eating my chips.

"Are you guys a thing?" Cameron asks oddly and I get a good vibe from I knowing that he might have a jealous factor. "We're just like best friends. Like the two of you." I point between Cameron and Taylor.

"Well. I'm going to opposite way as both of you so I guess I should go now!" Cameron says and takes our trash and throws it away.

I go next to Taylor. "So... We have time alone now. What did you want to talk about?" I ask him gladly.

"You're so cute." Taylor says blunt. "Oh fuck, I over did it. I didn't mean to be so direct I'm so fucking sorry." I take his hand and hold it while walking to class. "It's okay. You're cute too."

We get into class and Taylor gets called immediately to the teachers desk. I sit in the front and hear perfectly what they're talking about. "Taylor. You're grades are below average. This is a serious economic class and it's senior year. You need this to graduate."

"I'll get help. I promise." Taylor says and takes a seat next to me since there are no actual seating charts. Just first come and sit anywhere empty. "Taylor. I would love to tutor you. We can make something work."

I've got Cameron and Taylor in the palm of my hands.


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