17. Big Brother

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          Peyton plopped down on the other side of me sighing. "Wanna go on a walk?" Yea, she responded. "Soooooooo what were you and Pony talking bout. I elbowed her as we walked to the lot. Her eyes got watery. "The whole conversation was about his girlfriend, I knew he would never like me." "Awww I'm sorry Peyton, but hey I'm on the same boat as you." I tried to lighten the mood. "Yea you are." She laughed. "Well Lacey I'm going to go home see you later." She hugged me and went the opposite way.
I continued walking to the lot by myself. I sat on the old car seat. I heard someone walking towards me. It was Johnny, it looked like he was crying? Not acknowledging my presence, he sat next to me now sobbing. "Johnny are you ok?" He jumped a foot in the air now realizing I was there. He didn't reply. "What's wrong?" "Rachel." He paused. "Rachel is pregnant." That's not what I was expecting. "Oh my gosh is it yours?"  "That's the thing Lacey it's not mine we've never even..ya know, I knew she cheated on me with that soc but she promised she wouldn't do it again." I pulled him into a hug. "Johnny she doesn't deserve you or your forgiveness, there's someone else out there that is perfect for you and that isn't Rachel and you'll find them one day." Why can't he realize that's me, I thought to myself. I wiped his tears. "Lacey?" "Yea?" "Why do you care, after everything that has happened why do you still care about me?" He asked. "I never stopped caring befor, during, and after everything I never stopped caring and never will." "I'm sorry Lacey, sorry for letting Rachel do those things to you and contributing to some of those things." He apologized sincerely. "I half way accept your apology." I laughed.
"You know Dal really didn't mean what he said  Lacey." I just sighed in response. I was really hurt about what Dal said to me. Walking back to the Curtis house my mind kept traveling back to Dylan. "Lacey?" Johnny called me, so deep in thought I didn't realize I was standing in front of the Curtis gate, Johnny who was halfway in the door looked at me confused. I walked in the house knowing I was going to have to face Dal, I mean I can't avoid the person I live with. But when I went in Dal wasn't there. Sort of relieved I sat next to soda. My mind traveling back to Dylan, then thought of him made me happy but that soon went left. My thoughts took a turn for the worst. What if he just pities me, what if Rachel sent him along just to build me up and rip me apart, what if I'm getting played.
       These thoughts were bringing down my mood and I guess Soda noticed. "Lacey are you ok you look upset." "Huh?" So deep in thought I barely heard him. "Are you ok?" "I'm always ok." I faked smiled at him. He didn't seem to satisfied with my answer. "Lacey what's wrong, why don't you ever let anyone in?" I tried to reply but no words came out, starring at my shoes I could feel everyones eyes piercing into my soul. "I- I don't know." I tried to say clearly but it came out as whisper. "You know that you can talk to us right, I mean at least me I am your bestest friend." He playfully elbowed me. "Yea I know, I just have trust issues and don't really know how to explain things I guess." "But you just explained something." He burst out laughing. "You are so irritating." I laughed along with him. "But you love me." "Uhh I never said that." He gasped and pretended to fake cry. "Someone get Soda a tissue." Everyone started laughing so soda pushed me off the couch and I continued to laugh on the floor. In the middle of the laughing episode Dal walked in and everyone fell silent. Johnny was the first to speak. "Hey Dal." "Hey Johnny." He replied sitting next to him. Everyone was still silent. "Gosh why is everyone so fucking quiet?" Dal asked irritated, and the silence continued.
It's been half an hour and everyone continued to sit in silence. Dally was piercing his eyes into my soul and I looked everywhere but at him or even in his direction, what he said was as brutal as dads beatings.
Dals pov
Lacey won't even look at me and I've literally been staring at her for a whole year. I didn't mean what I said to her but I don't know if she will believe that. Every time I'm about to say something, the more nervous I get. I wish I would of never said that to my baby sister. "Lacey can I talk to you?" I asked smoothly somehow putting my nervousness aside. 
Lacey's pov
          Dal just asked if he could talk to me, I give a long dramatic sigh in response. A lot of things bother me but what Dal said actually hurt. I dragged behind Dal going outside so we could "talk". "Look Lacey, I'm so sorry for what I said I didn't really mean it, I was just angry and worried about you please forgive me, I don't want you to ever go back to NewYork I need my baby sister." I looked at him, and his blue eyes were again, piercing into my soul. Deciding to forgive him I jumped in his arms. "And I'll always need my big brother."
Now that everything is ok again me and Dal were walking home. "So has anything interesting happened with you?" Dal asked. "Well, I met this boy and he's taking me to the Dairy Queen tomorrow ." Dals face turned a while different color. "Hell no ain't no stupid, random, probably just wants to get in your pants grease ball is taking my baby sister on a date!" I held in my laugh. " Dal I just met him, he's not like that, and we are just friends gosh calm your horses. "I'll be the judge of that, when he comes to "pick you up"" tomorrow I'm gonna inspect him for myself, if I don't like what I see he's gone. Dal ended his little rant when we got into our apartment.

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