The beginning of my story

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Hay guys Leandro here i'm the author and just wanted to say i will try to update twice a week or more hope you guys in joy. OH and please make it through this chapter trust me it gets better


I awake to the ringing of my alarm. With a grunt I roll off the mattress I sleep on and slap the snooze button on my alarm clock as I leave it there and lay my head on the floor and wait for my body to wake up. I yawn putting the back of my hand to my mouth as I stretch the other. I turn into a ball on my back and spring up heading to the filing cabinet, that I use to store my clothes, and grab my red and white muscle shirt some grey joggers. I make my way to the bathroom doing my business and take a shower. I come out and fix my short dirty bond hair,and change into my clothes. I make my way out the bathroom and into the kitchen to get breakfast ready and make a single sunny side up egg with toast and bacon since I live alone and begin to eat before I head out for my usual run. Oh yea my name is Leo, I'm a short boy standing at 5,6 but my body physique makes up for it due to all my training. I have short dirty blond hair that is styled like Dean's from super natural and light blue eyes that go to a shade of silver around my pupils.I live alone since my parents died in a rouge attack when I was 6 and this lady adopted me but died of old age 1 year ago. might as well introduce my self as I tell the story of how I meat the alpha. Any way where was I....oh yes. I finish my breakfast and head out the door and taking in a huge breath of fresh air smelling the pines around me and letting it settle. I take off my clothes and shift into m gray wolf with traces of white a the paws and ears with blue eyes. I pick up the clothes in my mouth and begin running. I felt free as felt branches snap underneath my paws and jumping over log and my sense urging me to go faster. I run to one of my favorite spots of the forest that smells so different to me like lavender and vanilla. I realize where I am and stop quickly before passing onto a pack's territory, since i'm a rouge it would probably be a death sentence. I whimper a little at how I could never find the source of this sent due to it being in the other territory. I turn around and continue to run back to my house to get ready for school.

I quickly make my way to school taking my long board on the main streets of town after I left the country side. I head to my first period class,math, and sit in y usual spot next to the door and pull out my math note book and text book from my backpack,placing my long board under my desk. I go through my periods getting a little frustrated in math since the teacher kept saying only the bad things about my home country and how my Brazilian accent was funny. Time goes by quickly in my fourth period class and I head to lunch. I meat up with my only friend Chris a nerdy-Filipino human.

"Oi amigo." I say in Portuguese

"sup have you been"

"good how about you?" I ask as I sit down.

He shrugs as he sits down," not to well i'm going back to the foster home."

"oh why?"

"I got into an argument with my foster parents."


"I...I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright....You want to come over and lay some xbox?"

"sure...are your parents home?"

"No they are at another business trip."

"Ah,any way sure I'll head over after I check in with the counsler"

"alright cool." I hear the lunch bell ring and leave saying bye to Chris and going on with the rest of my day.

I arrive home after school and go into my small little house and clean up a bit since Chris is coming over. I through my backpack in the closet and clean up the living room and kitchen grabbing snacks, and setting them on the coffee table. I turn on the Xbox and put the two controllers right next to the two cups place neatly next to one bowl each, with a bag of chips in the middle. I sigh as I realize that i let my o.c.d. get the better of me. I turn on the TV and begin to watch true TV's world's dumbest waiting for Chris to get here. I begin to doze off a little,but a terrible sound fills the air. The sound of when a man is being torn pieces, comes from the slight woods around mt house. I sniff the air and smell three scents....two unfamiliar,but the last one...I know...It's Chris. I quickly get up and dash out of my house

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hay guys thx for reading I'm sorry if this chapter was pretty bad,but trust me it gets better i hope you guys like it.

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