Alone again

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I rush through the gravel path thinking why and how where other wolves  here? I masked my sent and I was near A powerful packs territory, so why are rouges even here?! I pick up the passe and stop dead in my tracks as I see the sight in front of me. Chris is on the floor an arm missing and a large gash across his check and cut in multiple areas, and what brought tears to my eyes was that...He was still breathing. I quickly rush over and lift his body and hold him in my arms ignoring the blood. He coughs and opens up his eyes looking at me and smiles,"h..hay there."

"H...hay." I say holding back the tears as I see my best friend my only family dieing in my arms.

"Thxs..f..for..b..being Leo."

"And thank for being mine." I say as my friend lets out his last breath and I let out a sob and my wolf howls a long with my tears. I hear rustling coming from the brush next to me and stand up,and my wolf is on the verge of taking full control as I see this sight. There are two rouges with grins on their faces and one of them holding Chris's arm. 

"What a same we killed the wrong boy.",say the rouge with the arm."well at least we got to in joy his screams of pain begging for us to stop." Laughs the rouge. He looks at me with a smirk,"Well now little boy it's your turn now." He looks at his partner,"I will take care of him my self." He smirks as he rushes at me throwing a right upper cut to my stomach,but I side step an throw a left hook connecting with the side of his face making him stumble. He looks up at me and smiles,"We got our selves a fighter." I take a my orthodox Muai Thai stance and stand there ready for him to come at me. This time he gets into a stance similar to mine,Probably kick boxer, and he and I begin to circle each other looking for openings. I decide and Go for a leg kick,but he checks it returning with a one two that I turtle shell,throwing a Right cross at him,but missing as he slips to the right and out of harm. He closes the distance and throws a left jab and I parry it with my right returning with a one two that connects with his face,but I take a hard mid kick. I quickly throw a spinning heal kick connecting with his stomach,but he quickly grabs my leg and holds it there. I quickly grab him in a clinch and push my leg down and throw knees to his core all of them connecting. He pushes off me and throws a high kick barely missing my head,but hitting my shoulder and he follows up with two body shots. I quickly return with a one two,left upper cut, side step right cross followed by a mid left kick, sending him against a tree. He gets up and signals for his partner to help and he comes at me from behind me a grabbing me in a rear naked choke. I pull away the arm that is behind my back and pull it over my shoulder as I bend down sending him tumbling to the floor. the other rouge rushes at me a hit me with a low kick and right cross. I stumble back against a tree and see the two coming at me. As they got closer I threw a swing ax kick smacking the first rouge across the face and then bringing it down on the second rouges head followed by me crouching on the floor and doing a windmill kicking them of balance. I take my stance with one leg behind me and one in front moving  them and changing their positions as you do in the style of capurera. The first rouge gets up and I quickly throw a knee and fall on my but as I follow up with a push kick than a doing a mid kick.(If you guys have ever played any of the teken games this is how Eddie corgal fights) I do a hand stand and do a berage of kicks all landing and finishing with wrapping my legs around his neck and spinning him around and slamming his neck against the ground certainly braking it. I stand up and having forgotten about the other rouge I soon remember due to the sharp pain of a silver knife making its way into my rib cage. I let out a cry of pain and turn around slamming my fist to the rouges face and grabbing hold of his head with both hands than braking it. I breath heavily due to pain and exhaustion. I pull out the knife throwing it on the floor and limpig back to my house only to see that it was now a raging fire. I smelt smoke and more rouges near by. I was about to turn around and leave when I remembered what I had in my room. I quickly made my way inside covering my mouth and nose with my shirt and going around all the objects on fire and heading to my room. I arrive at my. Room and look for the object i'm looking for and i find it on the floor and take it out of it's frame and begin to make my way to the door when the roof in the living room caves in and blocks my way sending embers on my arms burning them. I look up and see the my room's roof was about to do the same. I look to my window that currently had fire all around it. I gathered all my strength and jumped out the window landing on my stomach,but wasting no time in getting up and heading to the woods. Once i reach the tree line I look back at my now burning house. A tear rolls down my face,but with that tear I pledge revenge on who ever did this and limped through the forest.

I've been limping for about 20 minutes and I couldn't take it any more I collapse on the floor blood seeping from my wound. I pull out the photo I grabbed in my room and look at my family that I had,my mom,dad,and my future mate. I thought to my self and let my eyes close as i clutched the photo in my hand and let the smell of lavender and roses fill my nose. 


Hay guys Leandro here I hope you guys in joyed this action packed chapter. comment any ideas or suggestions thxs guys and gals.

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