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Me and the beautiful girl in front of me lock eyes for a moment before her face turns into a shade of red,as she releases a scream. I quickly look away,feeling color rise to my cheeks. I hear shifting in the water and soon later foot steps on the bank. "You can look now." says a soft but beautiful voice. I turn around and see that the girl had put on a shirt and some shorts,that clung tightly to her damp body. I quickly make my eyes look up to her face and realize that she is looking at me with wide eyes I look at her confused for a bit before the sent of lavender hit my nose and my wolf says,"Mate!" My eyes widen as I also realize whats happening. This beauty is my mate. Before I can do any thing she turns and runs off, in my head my wolf yelled at me to run after her and I do,but let me tell you something or a small girl she was very fast and lost her not soon after. I try to find her sent,but can't seem to. y wolf lets out a whimper and I follow along. I decide to shift and go back to where I left my clothes due to it dark out. I make it back in a few minute to find Hanna sitting there with my clothes on her lap. She turns her head as she sees me coming and take a while to notice that this was my wolf. "Oh hay Leo I just came out her to see whats up cause you were for a while and i thought you were lost. Oh and beta Ronan told me to tell you that your room is ready." She sat there for a bit before she got up and said she had to go. I can't put a finger on it but that girl is strange sometimes. I take my clothes in my mouth and go behind a tree shifting and then putting them on. I walk back to the pack house arriving at around 1 ish ad I just realized how hungry I was. I quickly head over to the kitchen where I see some other pack members and nod to them. I open the fridge and see a lot of packaged food and decide they were for other people so i close the fridge door. "You know those are for every one right?" I turn to find a young man seeming to be around 16-17 with tan skin and short curly black hair,with hazel eyes. I make and O shape with my mouth and he says,"I'm Roman by the way nice to meet you Leo and Yea my dad told me about you. And yes my dad is Richard well step any way." He realizes that he was rambling before rubbing the back of his neck,"Sorry I talk alot any way I got to get going to training any way see ya around." I smile and wave as he walks off. I open the fridge again and grab a container that says BLT on it and take a bottle of sprite on the fridge door and sit on one of the stoles in the kitchen.

   "Holy crap that was good." I think to my self as I head up to my room. down the left wing and taking a right at the end of the hall and going to the end of that corridor and then its the room across from Hanna's. I unlock the door with the key they gave me and look in the room and see that its fairly similar to guest bed room except that the wall were now black and the furniture was black and white. Also there where three boxes at the foot of the bed. I walk over and see a notes on each one of them,and grab the one closet to me and I read the note,"Hay Leo its Hanna,The lady at the clothing store said someone put in an order for some clothes for you. Enjoy. I open the box and see that most of the close were from abercombie and all my style. I would definitely need to find out who did this. I pull the second box over to me and read the note on top."Hay Leo these are for you to not die of boredom until you get enlisted into the pack and training sessions. Sincerely,Richard." I smile as I open the box and see a laptop an Iphone 5s and a ps4...Damn near fainted. I would have to definitely need to thank him. I put the box aside and and realized it smelt of lavender with a note says,"find me." Inside was a book saying Finding your mate 101. I smile and accept the challenge in my head. i grab the box and put it next to the stand on the bed and take the box of clothes into the closet to hang them up and fin out that there was also a pair of pumas and a pair of nikes at the bottom of the box. After I finished putting away all my clothes in order form tank tops to T-shirts to short sleeves to long sleeves to jackets than pants. I curse my OCD. I go over to the foot of the bed and grab the box of electronics putting the laptop on my bed, the iphone in my pocket and hooking up the PS4 to the TV. I look at the time and only forty minutes passed so i decide to sit in the bed and sufr the internet,but when I turn on the laptop my heart almost drops as I see what they down loaded onto the laptop. I see steam,spotify,Blizzard,but most of all League of legends. Yes i'm a huge nerd in league and I'm still trying to climb out of bronze 3. I take the laptop over to the little table over by the door to the balcony,but realize I need a mouse. I quickly remember that there was an electronic shop in the center of town. I quickly pull on my shoes and rush out the pack house, earning a few weird stares.

  I managed to kill about 2 hour and thirty minutes after i bought the mouse and played three ranked games as Gnar top lane, and as soon as i finished the last match I hear a knock on the door. I pause the song,Emperor's new clothes by panic at the disco, before getting up and heading over to the door. I open the door and see Hanna standing there with a nice black dress on and her hair all nice and neat,with some light make up but looking hot. My wolf growls at me for thinking shes hot while I know I have a mate I  quickly apologize to him in my mind as Hanna clears her throat and says,"Hay umm me,Roman and some of our friends or going out to eat and I wanted to see if you wanted to come?" She slightly blushes as she says this,but I quickly nod my head and put up my both hands meaning give me ten minutes. She seems to understand and says,"Ight we will be waiting down stairs." She turns around and leaves as I head into my closet to pick out some clothes. I decide to put on a white T-shirt with a pair of Levi jeans,with a leather jacket and the pumas i got and I fix my hair in a messy but stylish way. I quickly head down stairs and see roman sitting on the couch while Hanna talks to some friends. She notices me and whistles playfully making me blush and rub the back of my neck while her friends laughed. We all walk out the house and get into two cars me and Roman are in his car and the girl in Hanna. And we head over to an Italian restaurant witch i can not even try to pronounce and spend the night talking.

As we leave the restaurant I learned that the two other girls were Hailey and Bela and  that Hailey was Hanna's cousin. I suddenly stop in my tracks as I feel as if some one is watching me and the smell of lavender fills my nose. I tap Hanna on the shoulder and wright down in the note book I brought,"I need to use the restroom." she says they will be waiting at the cars as I walk back and try to see where the sent is coming from. I quickly see a head duck behind the corner of the building and smirk to my self as I mask my self making my way through the restaurant and out the back door. I quietly make my way behind the girl who was standing there with her head around the corner and clear my throat. She jumps and says a cuss word as she sees it was me. I stand there with my arms crossed and with a smirk on my face as see begins to blush as her green eyes look at me."So you were watching me?" I wright down in my book and show it to her. She looks up and says,"I don't know what your talking about." I shake my head and wright," So I found you now what?" I show her and she looks at the paper. She walks up to me and puts a hand on my chest,lightly pushing me to a wall. She presses her body against mine and says,"Best two out of three." and gives me peck on the lips and runs off. I stand for a good few minutes dazed by what just occurred and thinking to my self,"damn she is such a tease." I make my way back to every one else and we get in the cars and leave.

When we arrive it was near midnight so we all said good night, well i wrote good night, and we went to our rooms. I open the door to my room and go into my closet grabbing some boxers and pj bottoms and take them into the bathroom with me. I quickly take a shower and change into them,brush my teeth and head to bed. I lay there for a bit thinking to my self about my past 3 days. I aslo think about what happened to night and thanks to that my wolf starts putting images in my head. After a while i get up and go to the bath room and turn on the shower cold thinking to my self,"I can;t sleep like this."


Hay guys and gals Leandro here srry for being so long since the last update but i ope you guys enjoy this update the many to come please comment any suggestions and any thing I can improve on.

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