Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Prophecies and Headmistresses

"Ms. Zen's actually a nice person, you don't have to be nervous" Tom assured me while glancing my way once then continued walking. I was actually sweating on our way towards the office, but it wasn't out of nervousness, it was out of exhaustion.

A while ago, I was happily informed that the office was on a tower on the other side of the school, which was very far from where we were. And so, I had no choice but to unwillingly follow Tom and Blake to the faraway tower that we had to go to.

On out journey, we went left, right, up, down and heck, we even went through a wall which surprised me to the point I couldn't stop stuttering. I didn't know such technology existed. But who knows, magic lingers everywhere here, there may be even more surprising things I might encounter during my year in the Academy

Soon, we were in front of a staircase which probably led to the office of the said principal of the school. We climbed the stairs with me at the tail of the group and Blake at the front.

As we ascended the stairs, I noticed that there were small Windows in the tower which gave a fantastic view of the gardens of the academy. Once, I stopped at one window to look at the beautiful view before me. It was a huge lake where a waterfall was located near I that connected to a river on top. There were students swimming around but during free times where no one was swimming, it looked like a nice place to read.

Noticing my sudden halt, Tom went back and shook me from my daze. He said that we were almost there and that we need to hurry because Ms. Zen is being too anxious its making Blake dizzy and that he thinks Blake is just exaggerating.

I nodded at his words and made a note to remind myself to read at the place sometime, but it would be impossible for me to forget, since I had very good memory, as people tell me.

As we stepped up the last step, I saw two huge mahogany red doors that probably led to the office. There were four huge Windows on the wall on my left and right - two on each - that let in sunlight that lighted the whole hallway. We walked towards the doors and once in front of it, I hesitated to open the doors, afraid of what may happen. But what could actually happen?

"Go on" Tom encouraged me as I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes. He acts like a freaking mother that encourages her child to go into a horror booth.

Slowly, I opened the door but I heard Blake chuckle and open the door widely exposing us to the person inside. We stepped in and once again, I felt like I wanted to faint. Like all the places of the school, it was filled with luxurious things. My jaw dropped and I felt so out of place now.

Tom tapped my shoulder and ushered me forward which I reacted to with an eye roll. I walked slowly to the desk at front where a lady, maybe around her late thirties, was smiling at me.

I was moving slowly not because of nervousness but because I didn't want to break anything. Who knows how much that pen on that coffee table at the side could have cost.

Soon enough, I was in front of the desk. I looked at the nameplate that at was on the desk. It wrote 'Ms. Zendaya Golden' Oh so Zen was short for Zendaya.

"Hello Nightingale " 'Ms. Zen said as she gave me a warming and welcoming smile. I smiled back but it was a bit forced.

"Uh- hi" I replied as she gestured for me to sit down on one of the expensive looking arm chair, which I eagerly sat on. God the walking can be exhausting.

"I have been very anxious on seeing you my dear" She said as Blake muttered an 'I told you so' as I saw Tom roll his eyes from the corner of my eye. I let out a low chuckle as I remembered what Tom said earlier.

"Now that you have graced me with your pretense I am very eager to tell you something in private" she said while glancing at Tom and Blake hoping they caught her words. To my unlucky self, they nodded at her words and left me to be alone with an unknown person.

As soon as they both went out, I turned to look back at Ms. Zen and noticed that her smile slowly faded away and her face morphed into one of seriousness.

"Nightingale this is very important so I want you to listen very closely" she said as I slowly leaned closer so that I can hear her better.

"Ad you might know, everyone here has a special power. As for me, my power is time meaning I can tell the future and time travel. " I nodded at her words, "Tom is an ice elementalist" I chuckled faintly remembered that I knew that the hard way "and Blake can do some tricks in the telekinesis type" she said as I nodded my head once more.

"now this is the part where you need to p pay attention " she reminded me and I nodded as she leaned closer, "I have seen you in may of my visions " she said in a hushed tone as if afraid that someone might hear us on a room only occupying us.
I squinted at what she said, a little habit of mine whenever I'm confused. How could in get into her visions when we never even met before.

"you play a very important role in the future Nightingale" she continued, "Your fate is the thing that will save the entire world, one wrong decision can endanger the planet Chamberlyn, especially yours" she said as my eyes widened at that.

I don't want the security of the world on my shoulders, I don't want to be blamed for whatever decisions I make. But I need to master my powers, if I do then I might be able to make this situation easier.

"How will be able to do this task? I haven't even mastered my powers yet. " I stated as she simply smiled at me.

"Oh it is not a task Nightingale, it is your destiny, your decisions will come once the situation unfolds... and as for your powers, " she paused while leaning backwards "You will know everything soon enough."

Nodding at her, I thought about the books I had read at my grandparent's place. I did recall about a prophecy that hadn't happened yet. I couldn't exactly remember the exact words but I knew that it had something to do with me. So what Ms. Zen just informed me might be true.

Ms. Zen cleared her throat making me snap out of my daze. Looking up to her, I saw her smile at me and there was something on her eyes that made me feel confident - overconfident to be exact - was it respect or adoration?

"Well, you best be going. Tom and Blake will bring you to your dorm where all you belongings are already placed. Classes will start tomorrow and your roommates will help you through your first days. In hope to see you around Ms. Chamberlyn " she said as I smiled and nodded at her.

"Same here" I said while Blake and Tom went in and walked towards us. Wait? How did they know that they could go in?

"Let's go Gale. " Tom said with a faint smile snapping me from my thoughts. Nodding at him, I stood up to leave but Ms. Zen grabbed my arm making me stop my tracks.

"Decide well Nightingale. The academy depends on you" she whispered and let me go. I nodded one more at her and finally followed Tom out the door.

Once we were out of the door, Tom asked me something making me look up to him.

"What did Ms. Zen tell you? " he asked and I thought if it would be bad if I told him. Probably Ms. Zen might get angry at me for spilling to other people. There's a possibility but I'd rather not tell just in case. 

"Could you stop being nosy?" I said it rather harshly than I intended. Those actually weren't the words I was supposed to say to him, but my mouth has a mind of its own.

Tom responded to my outburst with a small nod as we continued walking towards my dorm. I felt kind of guilty since they were helping me even though they didn't know me as much and I respond to their kindness with bitterness. Damn, I got to be kinder.

With that thought noted in my head, we walked to my dorm in silence.


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