which one will steal our hearts? (Emblem3 fanfiction)

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Bailey POV

"Ok girls calm down so we can ask the question" says the guy in the phone. So we calmed down and let him ask the question. "Ok so what are Emblem3 guys favorite colors? "hmmmmmm Drew's is glitter, Keaton's is Green, and Wesley's is blue" Brooke my blonde hair, blue eyed friend yelled.

"Ok Two more questions, second one how old are the guys? Ok this time I answered. "Drew is 19, Wesley is 18, and Keaton is 15". "Third question How did they get famous? "X FACTOR!!!!" me and Brooke yelled. "Ok that's correct, Congrats you win two tickets to hang with them for Two months" the man said. Me and Brook hang up because we started dancing around like idiots.

"We won I cant believe we won!" said Brooke. "I know me neither" I said we were so happy that we both fell and hit our head on Brooke's bed. "OWWW!!" We both yelled. A little to loud that our overprotected Brothers came in and asked if we were ok. "We are not ok Cause we just won the EMBLEM3 CONTEST!!" I Said well half shouted. "OW my ear hurts now" my brother Corey said.

"sorry" I said . "Lets go to the beach" Jake, Brooke's brother said. "Ok" we all said. so we tell the guys to go out so we can change into our bathing suits. So as Brooke goes to the bathroom and I change in my room. After I put my black bathing suit on. I see Brooke coming out of the bathroom and I see Brooke wearing a blue bathing and her hair is up, her hair is mid waist when its down. She looks really pretty cause she's has a model body and her body is tan. im so jealous. Plus im in love with her crystal blue eyes.

"You look Hot" I say "Ha-ha you too" she said. "your such a liar" i respond back Then we go to the beach with the guys.

Thanks for reading my new book me and cousin Bailey are both working on it so we hope you enjoy it:)

which one will steal our hearts? (Emblem3 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now