Truly Madly Deeply

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Niall's POV
The doctor just told us that now, if we talk to Natalia she can hear us. He said that her brain has been showing activity, meaning that she has been thinking and dreaming.
When we heard of this news I was very happy, because it means that she will wake up!
I love Natalia too much to lose her, especially now that she's mine.
I just hope she wakes up soon because it's been almost 4 months.
School had just ended so we were now always at the hospital, only leaving to sleep and eat and get more clothes.
I was currently holding Natalia's hand watching the brain scanner move, showing that she could hear me.
But what should I say? What's the first thing she should hear from me?
"I love you." I whispered to her.
The brain scanner made a noise, showing that she had heard what I had said.
Natalia's POV
I felt a hand holding mine and a voice said, "I love you."
Niall. I knew it was Niall. Every time he touched me I felt a spark.
I love you too, Niall. I always have.
As he continued talking to me, my mind wandered, thinking of all the fun times I've had with Niall. (A/n the video above)
But then I heard music playing.
"Am I asleep am I awake of somewhere in between I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined, like branches on a tree or twigs caught on a vine." I heard my brother sing.
"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss. And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl, and I am not ashamed to tell it to the world." I heard my Niall sing.
"Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly completely fallin. And somehow you kicked all my walls in so baby say you'll always keep me. Truly madly crazy deeply in love, with you. In love, with you." They all sang.
"Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed. Mhm wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said. And tender touches just to show you how I feel, or should I act so cool like it was no big deal." Liam sang.
"Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. And put this day back on replay and keep reliving it. Cuz here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same, my heart would fall apart if someone said you're name." Harry sang.
"Truly madly deeply I am foolishly completely fallin. And somehow you kicked all my walls in, so baby say you'll always keep me. Truly madly crazy deeply in love, with you." They all sang.
"I hope I'm not a casualty, I hope you won't get up and leave. Might not mean that much to you, but to me it's everythin. Everythin." Louis sang.
"Truly, madly, deeply, I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kicked all my walls in, So baby, say you'll always keep me.
Truly, madly, crazy deeply in love (in love) with you (with you),
In love (in love) with you (with you)
In love (in love) with you (with you)" They all sang. Then Harry came in for the last part.
"With you, oh!"
I felt a spark and I knew Niall had grabbed my hand.
"Natalia, I am truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you. I want to hold you, and kiss you, and just be with you. I wish I could go back and make everything better, but I can't. I'm sorry. But please wake up soon so that I can be with you and hold you and kiss you, and do everything with you."
"Not everything." I heard my brother say in his stern voice.
Oh Liam.
"That's not what I meant."
"I know I know, I was just sayin."
"Anyways, I love you Natalia, and I can't be without you."
It took all of my strength to move my head towards him.
I opened my eyes.
"I love you too." I said softly because it hurt my head like hell to talk regularly.
They all gasped and crowded around me. The doctor came in and asked me some questions and gave me some pain medicine for my head.
He told me that since I just woke up from a 4 month coma, that I have to wait at least 2 weeks to go home.
But I don't mind, as long as I have Niall with me every step of the way.
Niall's POV
After Natalia had been awake for a few hours I went over to her side and held her hand.
I removed a strand of her hair from her face and put it behind her ear.
"I'm glad you're awake." I whispered.
I didn't want to talk too loudly because I didn't want to hurt her head.
"Me too." She whispered back.
"I missed you. Everyone missed you. But not as much as me." I smirked.
"I missed you too Niall."
"Especially our kisses?" I joked.
"Especially our kisses." She confirmed.
I smiled and leaned over, kissing her softly.
I didn't want to hurt her so I kept the kiss short and light, because I knew that too much pressure on her head would hurt her a lot.
She tried to smile, but instead grimaced with pain.
"I'm sorry love, I'll get you more pain meds." I told her.
She attempted to nod and I went and found the doctor.
He refilled her medicine tube and when the medicine kicked in, I kissed her again.
"I missed you so much." I said, tears brimming my eyes.
"I missed you too." She said.
"I'm sorry that this happened to you. I wish we could do it all over again."
"Me too, but it did happen, and things happen for a reason. The reason we don't know yet, but it might be that you Harry made up." She said.
"Yeah, he's over it now. Louis set him straight." I said laughing.
She managed to giggle and said,
"Obviously not straight enough."
I looked over to see Harry talking to some male nurse.
I laughed. Oh she meant that straight.
We laughed and kept looking at Harry who came in and said,
We just laughed again and he said,
"That nurse is gonna help you get up soon and walk around. If you do that okay, their gonna help you shower."
"Oh so that's what you two were talking about." Louis said.
"What do you mean?"
We all laughed and Harry shrugged.
"Whatever." He said.
"Wait, who's gonna help you shower? Not that nurse." I stated.
Liam looked at me approvingly, oh Liam.
"What do you mean?" Natalia whispered.
"He's a man, and I am not letting any man, whether he's a nurse or not, even if he were the pope, I'm not letting any man help you shower. I know that they can't leave you alone, but Liam and girl nurses can help you." I told her.
Liam nodded,"yeah I agree with Niall, I'll help you Nat. I'll go get the nurses." He said, getting up.
"Thank you." Natalia whispered.
"But I wish you were the one helping me." She winked.
I smiled and Louis wagged his eyebrows at me.
We laughed and I gave Natalia another kiss.
"Me too."

YAYYY Natalia is finally awake! If you liked, please vote and comment! Love you all!
All my heart,
Olivia ❤️

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