Nurse April

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Phil and April were in his locker room getting ready for RAW.

Punk threw his shirt at her, "Wear my shirt tonight!" He said jokingly.

"I'll get in trouble." April said as she went to put on her 'Love Bites' shirt.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, as he kissed the back of her neck. "You're right, you will." He said as he flopped down on the couch.

"So, wanna watch something until you go?" He asked.

"Sure!" She said.

~ a hour later ~

"Gotta go," she said as she pecked his lips, "I love you." She said as she skipped away.

"I love you too." He said.

"Don't get hurt." She said as she passed him, whispering quietly, "Please," she pleaded as she left.

He frowned, knowing what she meant.
~After RAW~

April helped Phil back to his bus, sitting him down on the bed.

"I told you! I told you to not take that match against Paul!" She barked.

"I had to!" He said, holding his ribs.

"You're hurt, I want you to stay awake with me for a little while." She said.

"Okay." He nodded, "Can we watch TV?"

"Sure," she smiled.

"Wait! I got you something," she said, getting up and digging through her bag. "Since you're hurt and I'm not letting you leave this bed," she tossed him a few DeadPool comics he didn't have.

"Here." She smiled.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I couldn't find these anywhere!" He said looking at the comics.

"I know!" She said.

"Thank you." She said as she got him and her a water bottle, silently telling him to come to her.

"Yes?" He said taking the bottle from her. "Thank you." He said.

"Did I, say you could leave your bed?" She asked.

"Does It matter?" He asked.

"Yes!" She said, pushing him back Into his room.

"You stay in here, I'll stay with you." She said as they both laid down, reading their comic book.

he looked at her. "You look cute with your glasses on." He said.

"Thanks." She mumbled, as she flipped the page.

She noticed he was still looking at her, "Yes?" She asked.

"My ribs hurt and I know what can fix it." He smirked before climbing on top of her.

"You." He grumbled, kissing her neck.

"Phillip! We can't. It'll hurt your ribs and make you sleepy." She said putting her comic down.

"Ugh!" He groaned.

"Phillip... It'll hurt you. I don't want you hurt more than you already are." She said.

"You're hurt too. Kaitlyn hurt your stomach, April." He said, cuddling up against her side.

"I know she did, but not as bad as Brock and Curt did to you." She replied, "Plus, Kaitlyn didn't mean to. Me and her still speak, want me to show you?" She asked, as he nodded.

He didn't know April was friends with Kaitlyn again.

April picked up her phone and dialed Kaitlyn's number, and put it on speaker.


"Hey Kait! How's the boobs?" She asked, playfully.

"Why, Hello there AJ! They're okay, now. How's the stomach?" Kaitlyn said as Phil laughed.

"Oh goodie! And as for my stomach, oh It's a little sore. Thanks for doing that, sweetie!" April said.

"Ohhhh, you're welcome! I can hear someone, cough, Punkers, cough, laughing! Is there something you have forgotten to tell me, AJ?" She asked.

"Oh, yes there Is. Phillip, What are we?" She asked.

"Hmm, well I don't know. It's prisoner and nurse right now. Speaking of which, When am I getting out of jail?" He asked.

"Mhmmmmm. So, Kait, Me and Punkers over here are Boyfriend and Girlfriend / Prisoner and Nurse." She said.

"Oh? Can I come see the Prisoner and Nurse?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Phillip?" She asked.

"If you want." He said.

"Sure!" She said.

"See y'all in a few minutes."

"Alright, Bye!"

"See? We're friends!" She said as she kissed his cheek.

"Oh, good."

Kaitlyn knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer it.

April got up and let Kaitlyn Inside.

"Hi!" Kaitlyn said as Kofi and Miz walked up to her.

"Oh hey guys!"

"Hi! whats up?" Kofi said as Mike punched his arm.

"Didn't we talk about this?" Mike asked.

"She's taken boys." April said.

"By who?" Mike asked.

"Shut up Mike!" Kaitlyn snapped.

"Want anything to drink?" Mike asked.

"No." Everyone said.

"Oh, Prisoner!" April called.

"Yes, nurse?" He smirked.

"Come here?" She asked.

Phil got up from his bed and walked over to April where she was smirking similar to his smirk.


"Come sit with me." She said.

"April reached down to Phil's crossed arms, tugging on his hand.

Phil looked at her with a confused look, as if he was saying 'what?' to her, as he unfolded his arms as she held his hand.

"Okay, okay, I won't. I still wanna meet 'them', soon." She said.


Phil and April changed into their usual; her wearing his boxers and a tank top, and him wearing a shirt and shorts.

Phil cuddled against her as she rolled over and kissed him sweetly.

He kissed her back softly, as they kissed, just enjoying their sweet kiss.

Phil broke the kiss as he rested his forehead against her head, staring at her.

She looked at him innocently.

"Does your stomach hurt?" He asked as he ran his hands up and down her sides.

"Sort of." She admitted, "Does your head, ribs and or back hurt?" She asked.

"Ribs and head hurt, a little bit." He said as she got up and went to go get ice for his ribs and a ice pack.

She came back and said.

"Shirt off." She said and closed and locked the door.

He took off his shirt as she put the ice down and climbed ontop of him, kissing his ribs sweetly.

"Better?" She asked as she cuddled against him, tucking her face under his jaw.

"A little." He said.

She got off of him and put some ice on his ribs and head.

"Sleep." She said.

"Alright, Night April."

"Night Phillip, I love you." She said as she cuddled up next to him.

"I love you too." He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

[Holy.. I got five followers In a DAY. Thanks! Here's the story.]

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