Stripping You of Your Contract

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"Stephanie! I can't wrestle If I'm pregnant." April yelled.

"Fine! I'm stripping you of your divas championship! And your contract!" Stephanie scowled.

April ran out of the office, crying her eyes out as she ran to Phil's locker room.

She ran up to him and started sobbing into his chest.

"I-I-I'm...I'm fired!" April sobbed.

"What? Why?" Phil asked, rubbing her back as she sobbed.

"Be-because I can't wrestle! Because of the baby." She sobbed, crying harder.

"Shhhhh, baby. It'll be alright. I'll talk to them." He said, kissing her forehead.

"Bu-but you're coming back tonight! Phil, it's fine!" She sniffled, cuddling into his Blackhawks shirt.

"It's fine, baby." He said, smiling at her before pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. After awhile she was pushed up against the lockers while she moaned as he thrusted in and out of her.

"Phil!" She breathed his name in a breathless moan, digging her nails into his back.

"April!" He moaned loudly, kissing her neck gently.

"Phil!" She screamed his name as she came, pulling him into a mind-numbing kiss, withering beneath him as he came.

They both cleaned up, taking another shower together.

"Go back to the bus, baby. I love you, I'll be fine." He said, stroking her cheek gently.

She kissed him one last time before going back to the bus.

She sighed as she watched RAW on the TV.

God, this was boring. Kofi had a match, Mike had a match, Eve and Kaitlyn were at the hotel, John was with Randy back stage.

"God, I'm bored!" She yelled.

She went and took a shower, when she walked out, still, no one was there.

"Ugh!" She growled.

She sighed and waited for someone to come back.

Kaitlyn, Eve, John and Mike knocked on the bus door, seeing if someone was in there.

"It's open! Come in!" April yelled, not wanting to get up.

They all came in and all of them flopped down on the on any seat that was not full.

"AJ! Phil told me you were craving chocolate-chip cookies, so I brought you some cookies from catering." John offered, handing her a plate of cookies.

"If I ever get pregnant, you better get me cookies." Eve said, poking Kaitlyn.

"Me too! Me and Eve could be pregnant buddies!" Mike said, showing his teeth as he smiled.

"Mine." Kaitlyn growled, pulling Eve away from Mike and on to her lap as eve giggled.

"Ugh! Y'all are making horny!" April complained, eating another cookie.

"Lesbians being jealous make you horny?" John asked, smirking as he grabbed a coke.

"No! Just jealous people in General." April said, groaning, "Another hour without Phil and guys guess what."

"What?" Mike asked, taking a bite of his cookie.

"I am fired!" April said, smirking devilishly.

John spit out his coke and Mike choked on a cookie as Kaitlyn and Eve broke apart from their and looked over at April.

"What?!" John and Mike yelled.

"Stephanie wanted me to wrestle, I couldn't, so I'm stripped and no contract." April said.

"What the hell? That's unfair!" John said, groaning.

"I know."she replied.

"I'm back!" Phil yelled.

"Yay!" April said, smiling at Phil as she ran over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked, "I saw what happened."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little banged up." He replied, walking into their room.

"Let me see." She said, taking his shirt off and looking at his back. His back was filled with cuts and bruises, new bruises over the old ones. She sighed and caressed his hand, kissing the back of his neck.

"You're hurt even worse, Phillip." She muttered.

"I know, I know. It'll heal though." He said, waving off her worrys.

She sighed and laid down on the bed, "Go take a shower." She muttered.

"Alright." He muttered as he went and took a shower.

[Ohmygod, OHMYGOD!

This story hit over a 1,000 reads! Thank you guys so much!

I love writing this story, and I'm happy that you guys enjoy this story!]

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