The Underground Thug

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"Where is she!?!"
Yelled a man with three other Military Police cadets behind him. They all came to rest in a dead end alleyway they were in and gave up, all the while you were up in the shadows in a hole in the wall staring down at them with murderous (E/C).
"SIR! There is no sign of the thief anywhere it's as if she disappeared into thin air"
Spoke a young cadet that looked of the age of 15 with full military police getup and short brownish blond hair. 'Damn, he looks younger than me. Tch, and he looks cute too. Oh well' you though with a quiet sigh. 'Hehe, those stupid idiots they know nothing, yet these guys and others are meant to protect the King? Haha, how more ridiculous can this day get' you thought. You observed them for a few more moments when you started to get bored.
"What do you mean disappeared into thin air! The last time I checked no one can do that! Alex!" The fat...I ahh mean out of 'shape' captain spoke. 'So~ Cuties name is Alex hey, heh, well this is just getting interesting, well I'm bored I think Ive given the little piglets enough play time' you thought deviously as a wicked smirk crossed your face as your teeth that showed glistened in the little amount of light that showed itself. You quietly got up into a crouch in the hole in the wall and jumped down to the ground. Because of living your life down here in the underground you were pretty fit and skinny so when you landed it was pretty quiet, like a little pebble falling to the ground. The captain and cadets were yet to notice you, the only reason was they turned their backs to you from giving up the search in trying to find you. You took out your pocket knife from your left boot and held it in your (W/H) throwing it up and catching it. You were standing there hip cocked and smug look on your face as you saw one of the cadets turn around, once he noticed you he freaked and yelped.
You chuckled at the sight and saw the rest of them turn around shocked.
"Man I though I was the girl here, heh and you guys call yourselves 'military trained' ha! What a joke your a bunch of wimps" you stated cockily as you kept playing with the knife in your (W/H) a brave cadet stood up to you for the captain had passed out and said bravely "Wait a minute, your the thief from the black market, your under arres..."
He then got cut off by Alex the 'cute' boy from before 'Tch, so he's one of THOSE is he...well In that case I won't have any trouble in holding back then' you thought as Alex said with a confident aura and cocky features on his face.
"But first what's your name cutie, I'm sure all of my 'friends', military and the Survey Corps would like to at LEAST know who their dealing with, am I right~" Alex finished off with a smug look all the while you were posing like you were thinking and tapped the flat side of the knife on your chin "Well" you started off, as you did that you took very small steps towards the group "as much as I would LOVE to be noticed and be popular with the most 'popular' people, I'm gonna pass. OH! and one last thing" you then charged at the group threw one into the wall, kicked another and sliced his hand deep plus a not so deep cut to the chest, winded the captain causing him to blacken out again and knocked another out. You then charged at Alex and grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the wall pressing the knife to his throat. You then smirked murderously at him and chuckled, while you then leaned to his ear and whispered deadly into his ear "The last thing I need right now is the survey corps to find out my name and whereabouts, but that won't happen because once I'm done with you four and your captain, they won't know that I, nor you, exist" you whisper into Alex's ear he was paralysed in fear of what you said. Just then a shadow came from above in your left side view, you were about to doge the mysterious thing coming your way but it was too fast. A slender leg came colliding with the left side of your face, since you were caught off guard with the speed, the impact sent you flying into the alleyways brick wall end. You coughed and slid down the wall somehow still holding onto your knife. As your head stopped spinning you blinked a few times and opened your eyes. 'HOLY SHIT! No, no, NO IT CANT BE HIM! Of all the days I had to run into 'him'' you gasped with wide opened (E/C) terrified eyes as yours came into view of cold, dark, grey eyes which belonged to the one, and only....

Levi Ackerman

"Shit" you mumbled but loud enough for him to hear you. You scrambled to your feet and ran as fast and far as you could. You knew you couldn't out run him but you were pretty sure you could hide from him. The only thing you heard was a faint 'Tch' as you fled from the allyway, going through twists and turns in the underground streets gong towards your hide out.

Levi x Reader: In love with my Cadet/In love with my Corporal Where stories live. Discover now