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I woke up with an ear splitting headache, cringing in pain again from my side and the new addition, my arm.
Seriously how damaged do I need to be!?
I slowly start to sit up and grab my head, but I couldn't.
I tried to yell, but I couldn't.
I was tied up.
And muffled.
'Shit, Jesus why am I always tied up'
I looked around the room and noticed that the room was, for the underground, pretty clean.
'I'm impressed'
I though nodding my head slightly, ( also forgetting that my head kills) I slowly stopped the harsh movement to save myself from passing out from the pain.
I then heard foot steps.
'Well, as I can tell by how the footsteps sound, I'm on the second floor and someone is coming up stairs. Damn, where in the underground am I?'
When I gave up thinking due to my brain hurting more, I heard the door creak open, then a slam and click of the door.
He locked it.
There he stood again, that cold hearted glare that hid his smugness, and, something else, I could see this weird glint in his eyes.
"I warned you (L/N), come over to my side of the underground again and you'll fear your life"
Levi Sneered taking intimidating steps towards the bed I was tied up to. I stared at him the whole time he came closer. Starting to actually fear my life, again.
I stiffened and clenched my fists as he took his last step, which echoed throughout the room.
We stared at each other.
Nothing's happening..
" You don't know half the things I want to do to you since your like this, it also get me thinking, how quiet can you scream~"
My eyes widened in horror immediately thinking of the worst; branding, stabbing, cutting etc. I struggled against him, growling as well as he sat on my stomach, again. He then leaned down next to my ear, I jolted and muffled a yell as I felt his hot breath tickle my ear and my neck.
"Shhhh~ don't want my friends to hear do you~ or do you like that?"
Levi chuckled, I froze.
Something wet and hot caressed my neck going up towards my ear. I arched my back off the bed and gasped loudly but to him it probably sounded like a sharp intake of air due to my mouth being shut by a cloth, that was wrapped around and tied tightly behind my head.
The sick perverted bastard, is this what he refers to as punishment to fear my life? more like, fear my panties from getting wreaked.
He chuckled and kept caressing my neck with his tongue. At this point I don't know why I wasn't struggling against him, until
"*muffled groan then a sigh*"
He bit my neck.
And the problem was.
I liked it.
He kept doing the same thing over and over.
I was a mess, both mentally, and sexually. I don't know how much longer I'll last before passing out, why his he doing this? I'm sure he has other plans in mind that he could be doing, like the cutting me or brake a few more of my bones, I think I'd rather that than this. It's not like I hate it but, this ain't happening here, not now, not today.
I was just about to bring my knee up and kick him in the place where no man or boy likes to be kicked, when he took the cloth away from my mouth.
My face was flushed red, eyes half lidded and panting.
His had a hint of red, with lust in his eyes.
'That's what it was, lust, damn, but why? he could have his was with anyone in the underground. Well, I guess Kenny didn't do to good in giving him a 'good reputation' I mean the killing is acceptable because everyone does it here to survive, it's not a rare occurrence, but the last name, that's the last name known even in the depths of the underground. And everyone fears it. Ackerman'
I said in a whisper.
He looked at me shocked with a hint of confusion, then started to lean forward toward the one place I definitely didn't want to be kissed.
And closer.
He got even closer towards the target I was panicking, 'why don't you scream!?' I hear you ask, well it might have to do with my voice currently on vacation to I don't even know where the fuck it went town, and it's having a lovely time there too.
As he was millimetres away from the destination there was loud knocking on the door.
'I'm saved! Who ever that was I owe them my life'
I thought sighing in relief.
Levi flinched and came too, he looked down at me and saw what he was doing.
There was red and purple bruises littered around the base of my neck, around my collar bone and the underside of my chin.
His eyes shone with a hint of amusement and cockiness like 'yeah that's right, I've marked you now, take that' it's not like I'm always almost getting raped by the men here or getting asked out, I mean, I won't deny it but, I'm not a sight for sore eyes I'm just, average, nothing special, and besides if any of them did try to rape my, ha yeah, no one would remember their name again.
"Hey, big-bro"
It a females voice, from what I can only just remember her name was Isabel I think, Levi sighed and replied while looking over my neck and eyes as he spoke.
"Yes. What is it brat"
She replied with a huff, guess she doesn't like being called that then.
"You were going to teach me how to properly use the 3DMG gear properly~ hurry uuuuuup biiig-brooooo~"
Isabel wined behind the door, Levi sighed again and got off of you, as he was straitening out his clothes, Levi took a glance at your tied up state and huffed a laugh. He then stopped and put the collar up around your neck to hide the majority of the, umm, I wouldn't call them love bites, so, let's jut call them, bruises.
(A/N: yes in fact I do know that hickeys are in fact bruises on the skin due to the sucking on the tender skin, but reader-chan doesn't want to think like that they are love bites, not now when she really has to focus on keeping herself alive)
After Levi finished he took a final glance at you and untied you, you immediately sat up and rubbed you wrists, he jumped back at the sudden action, thinking you'd attack him, you would've but you didn't feel like it right now. He then gestured you to follow him with the slight flick of his head as he said.
"I'm coming you impatient little shit"
He opened the door with you right behind him looking around his shoulder since it was in the way. Isabel jumped back and fell on the floor.
"be great full we stole one for you and having the liberty to actually try and teach you to use it right"
He said as he strode past Isabel going down the wooden stairs, with me trailing behind and Isabel scampering to her feet to catch up to her idol, trying to act as cool, as her 'Big-Bro'.

Levi x Reader: In love with my Cadet/In love with my Corporal Where stories live. Discover now