Ginny is wired!

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Ginny Weasley: Hehehe soooooo I boughtsomereallygoodcoffeeandnowIamwiiiiiiiiiiiired.


Hermione Granger: woah! Slow down there Ginny. What did you say?

Ginny Weasley: I. Said. I. Bought. Some. Really. Good. Coffee. And. Now. I. Am. Wired. lol! Slow enough for you now Mione?

Hermione Granger: Har har har. So, why did you drink strong coffee in the first place?

Ginny Weasley: I wanted to be awake for Ron's stupid game. I still don't understand how he made the team... I mean...he's just...well, he's Ron. Lol

Ron Weasley: hey! That's mean Ginny! :(

Harry Potter: don't take it personal Ron... Ginny, no more coffee for you :-P

Draco Mafloy: is someone gonna bring me any toilet paper?

Hermione Granger: Oh no! I knew I forgot sorry Draco.

Draco Malfoy: o_O ugh. I hope you ass is super sore now.... :'(

Hermione Granger: I'm sorry honey :-( I promise I will make it up to you.

Ron Weasley: eeww. Get a room.

Draco Malfoy: good idea Ronnikins :-P hey Hermione... RoR in 20 minutes?

Hermione Granger: sure ;-)

Harry Potter: o_O

Ron Weasley: o_O

Ginny Weasley: good idea...hey Harry, broom closet...10 minutes?

Harry Potter: sure ;-)

Ron Weasley: o_O eeewwww that's my sister!

Harry Potter: sorry mate.


Sorry this one isn't so good. I was using a phone and could type a lot :-\

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