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Idiots. That is what they are. It amazes me, the lengths people will go, just to make themselves feel powerful. I leaned against the school's faded grey lockers, observing two "Alpha" males harrass a small lanky male. I could stop them, and for a moment I move to do so, but it is pointless. This is how the world works. The biggest boys and the prettiest girls come out on top during the schooling years, while the lanky men and the underdeveloped women become their daily entertainment. In the end however, the roles will reverse for the most part, if the harrassed are strong enough. That once lanky man will end up signing the pay checks of the big boys. While the pretty girl will end up pregnate, in a dead-in job, recieving low monthly child support, with the once underdeveloped girl living the life of money, love, and happiness. Karma is the biggest of bitches, if I do say so myself. So if I step in, it will only cause a moment of satisfaction and relief, while the future holds a much longer and fulfiling sense of satisfaction for the bullied.

Looking past the act of animalistic domination, my gaze falls upon Raidon Knight. I see his eyes have stopped to linger upon the bullies. Like mine, his face is void of any emotion, to a random onlooker you would only see a vague interest. I know better, I know his thought are similar to mine. It's the bond that comes from studying one another. I'm different than most people, and so is he. That is why I study him at school, I like to understand people and I can't seem to grasp him. He studies me too, that much I know, but he is as close to figuring me out as I am to him. He moves his head in my direction, and our eyes meet, just as the warning bell for 7th period rings. The halls quickly fill with rushed teenagers, momentarily severing our stare, but I know he is still looking, as am I. The halls clear as the tardy bell rings, leaving our eyes to lock once more. We don't smile, we don't talk, we make no move to communicate to one another, we never do. However, we both silently accept the study of the other. We are familiar strangers in that way.

Walking out of the school building, I am once again exremely greatful that I am in grade 12, thus giving me the option to drop my 7th and 8th period classes. I make my way across the parking lot to my one pride and joy, my 67' Chevy Impala. I admire it's beauty as I walk towards it. Shining black paint winking in the sunlight, looking as if it drove straight out of a car show. I carefully unlock the doors and slide behind the wheel, relaxing into the soft, plush black leather seats. Fond memories incase me as I start the engine. I worked on this car for three long years, after I found it abandonded on the side of the road one day. When finished last year, it was my personal 16th birthday present. I snap out of my thoughts as I see a Motercycle speed pass my parked car. Raidon Knight. I sigh, and proceed to back out of my parking space, and make my way home.

"Mum! Dad!" I call out, recieving no reply. I make my way through our penthouse and into my room, falling gracefully into my large warm bed. Staring blankly at my dark purple walls, I think to add more pictures to give it a more lived in feeling. Relaxing, I slip into my thoughts, loving the feeling of doing absolutely nothing. That's when I hear it. A soft clicking noise coming from outside my room. I slowly rise from my bed, slipping my hand under the mattress to retrieve my gun. I quickly and quietly make my way through my open bedroom door and down the hall. Stopping in the living room, I hear it again, coming from the kitchen on my right. Lowering into a crouch, I make my way over to the kitchen's entrance and peer in, facing the oven and the refridgerator. I slowly rise to make my entrance, lifting my gun, my eyes scan over the various appliances looking for anything out of place.

"Varifiez toujours derriere vous chers," a voice says from behind, followed by a deep laugh. That's the last thing I hear before I feel a sharp pain in my neck and everything goes black.

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