Settling In.

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Tiarra's POV

Stepping through the portal is like stepping through a waterfall. I take in my surroundings and sigh happily. It looks just like it does in the anime. I can't believe we are actually here. I turn to look at Lydia beside me. She is looking around in awe. "This is amazing." She whispers. "Yeah. Where do you want to go first?" I ask her excitedly. Before she can answer my stomach rumbles. Lydia laughs, " I guess we should get some food first. Come on, it can't be that hard to find a place to eat."

" Great idea." I smile and we start walking down the street. " What time do you think it is here? It's getting dark." Lydia asks. I look up at the sky. "I'm guessing around eight. Oh look! We can go there!" I say. We head there and we take a seat. A boy I'm guessing a couple years older than us comes up to us. "What will it be?" He asks with a friendly smile.

"I'll have Milk, and Ramen." Lydia answers right away with a huge smile. Well, someones excited to eat. I know I am. "Same." I smile to him. "Great." He says and leaves. " I cannot wait to try Ramen. I have always wanted to." Lydia says jumping in excitement in her seat.

"Me too. Wait....Lydia?" I realize something. "Yeah?" She stops bouncing. 

" We, uh...We don't have any money..." I say.

"Oh don't worry about that." She says going back to her jumping. I look at her in shock. "Don't worry?! How are you so calm about this?!" I whisper shout.

" It's all good. I can handle it." She smiles at me reassuringly. "How?" I ask suspiciously. " Just forget about it okay?" I sigh but let it go. I guess if she isn't worried then she has something up her sleeve. I hope it works....Or else we are screwed.

Lydia's POV

Oh no. Ohhhh nooo. I am such an idiot. Now I have to come up with an idea. We have no money...How are we going to pay?? Relax. I got this. I'll just do what i always do. Make something up last minute. Eh. I'll think of something. That boy looks....Reasonable enough. I push the money issue to the back of my mind. Just as our food and drinks arrive. "Thanks!" I grin and immediately grab my chopsticks and dig in my food.

This. Is. Heaven. No wonder people are always this stuff. I glance over at Tiarra to see her inhaling her food too. "Im glad you like it." The boy says rather amused watching us. I swallow and grin at him. "Me too. This is great." 

"Thanks." He replies. I get an idea as he sits down at the table next to us. I set my almost empty bowl down. "Tiarra?" I ask in my most innocent sullen voice I can manage.

"Yeah?" She answers setting her bowl down. " Where are we going to stay?" I ask. I see the boy tilt his head in interest, but doesn't look at us.

" I don't know. Find a park or something. Abandoned house." She answers. 

" Okay. But we need to take turns keeping watch...I saw some guys over there. And they don't look nice." I say and smirk in my mind when the boy stands up and walks to our table. 

"You can stay here." He says.

" What? Really? But we don't even know you." Tiarra says.

I kick her under the table. She throws me a ' I know what I'm doing look' 

Okay. I guess she knew the whole time what I was doing. 

" Yeah. I can't have you guys leaving here and end up on news because you two got killed by some guys, when I could have prevented it." He says.

"What's your name?" Tiarra asks.

" Hanu. You?" Hanu asks.

" I'm Tiarra." Tiarra says. "And I'm Lydia." I say.

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