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Tiarra's POV

I'm giggling while watching Ikuto and Lydia. Lydia hears me and throws me a glare which makes me laugh. She's acting like she doesn't care about him, but oh lord she's mesmerized. She loooooves Ikuto. I start laughing to myself and Hanu gives be a weird look, which makes me laugh even harder. The teacher is up at the front of the room doing his thing, so im trying to keep my laugh quiet. I succeed, but not for long.

I start daydreaming about this morning and the people we met. I don't know why, but I picture myself having a conversation with Joe.

"Yo Joe!" I say in my head. That's as far as the conversation got because I burst out laughing in class. I kept laughing to the point where I couldn't breathe. Everyone's heads turned towards me.

"Can you please share with the class what you find so hilarious, Tiarra?" The teacher asked. I nodded my head, trying to calm my laughing.

"Yo and" I cut off laughing again. When I finally could speak I continued. "Yo and Joe rhyme." I said aloud. Now that it was said aloud I found it wasn't all that funny. I felt embarrassed while the class started laughing and the teacher wrote out a detention slip.

"Detention on the first day" The teacher sighs. "Lets not make a habit out of this, miss."

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." I said quietly, taking the detention slip and walking back to my seat. Lydia was covering up her laugh and I threw her a glare which made her smile wider and roll her eyes.

I came up with a plan to get Lydia into detention with me. I wrote a note saying some...pretty sexual things and started coughing really loudly before making it look like Lydia passed me a note.

"Ms. Tiarra. Who passed you that note?"

I smirked, but quickly hid it with a look of innocence. "Lydia did."

He walked over and grabbed the note and started reading it.

"I got the note from Ikuto." Lydia says, trying to cover her ass. It worked. That little bitchacho smirked as the teacher wrote a detention slip for Ikuto. Ikuto glared at me and I shrugged innocently, as he rolled his eyes. I glared at Lydia who started laughing maniacally, quietly.

The bell rang and class was finally over. Hanu started showing us to our next class and I pulled Ikuto aside.

"Dude, help me get Lydia into detention."

"Why would I help you? You're the one who got me into detention in the first place."

"Look dude, lets cut to the chase. If you get Lydia into detention, the more you get to hang out with her." Ikuto looked to be considering it for a moment, then added something.

"Maybe I should try and get Hanu into detention too." He said, smirking knowingly. I blushed, and pushed him.

"Shut the hell up. Are you going to help me or not?" He turned around, expecting me to follow him, which I did.

"Yeah sure, why not. Next class is cooking. Getting them into detention will be a piece of cake." I smiled and grabbed Ikuto's arm to make him speed up. We got into class just as the bell rang. Hanu and Lydia looked at us suspiciously. Lydia looked to be a bit jealous and I smiled innocently and let go of Ikuto's arm. She glared and looked away. Her being jealous is hilarious.

The teacher told us to team up in pairs, so I grabbed Hanu's arm and Ikuto grabbed Lydia's. We did it just in time too, because all the girls in the class wanted both Ikuto and Hanu. They glared at both Lydia and I, but we shrugged off the looks and got to work.

Our task was to make a cake. I grabbed the ingredients and Hanu grabbed the instructions from the teacher. Hanu started to read the instructions and I did as he said, only for a little while. When it came time to use the electric mixer, I set it on high when Hanu wasn't looking.

The raw materials went everywhere. Some egg even got in this one girls hair.

"Low Hanu! I said Low! Why would you set it on high?" I yelled. The teacher came over and gave a disapproving look towards Hanu before writing up a detention slip. We both started to clean up the mess.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you." I smiled, and nodded.

"Indeed I did, Hanu. Indeed I did. One down, one to go." I said looking towards Lydia and Ikuto, who were oblivious to our situation. Lydia's cheeks were redder than the velvet icing they had siting on the counter. Go Ikuto.

Lydia's POV

Ikuto was purposely standing this close to me. I know exactly how to hold a freaking measuring cup, he didn't have to use his hands to guide mine! To top it all off, this bitchacho was smirking the whole time. He knew I was turning red and wouldn't stop.

"Ikuto." I said, with a smile on my face. "If you don't back up I will cut you." But he didn't back off, he only got closer.

"Are you angry yet?" He asked very quietly, with a motherfluffin smirk.

"Of course i'm angry!"

"Good." He dipped my hands in some of the mixture that was in the bowl, lifted up the bowl, and poured it all over his apron quickly before handing me the bowl.

"Lydia! What did I do to deserve this?" Ikuto asked, pleadingly. The teacher ran over and told Ikuto to go over towards the sink and wash up.

"This is your first day, young lady I'm surprised." She said, before handing me the detention slip. I look over towards Tiarra and she's laughing her ass off. I can't believe her. Is this what her and Ikuto were talking about before they came to class?!

I quickly cleaned up my area and the bell rang. Everyone took off their aprons and threw them in the washing machine before leaving the classroom. I walked out with Ikuto, Tiarra, and Hanu.

"Was that your big plan? to get me into detention?" I asked.

"And me.." Hanu said, raising his hand a bit. I glared at both Tiarra and Ikuto. Tiarra just kept laughing and Ikuto rested his arm on my head.

"It's not as though you don't want to be in detention with me. You should be thanking me. A full 2 hours with me is paradise." Ikuto said, boastfully.

Two hours. Oh lord I can't take this and the day isn't even over, yet.

Tiarra's POV

Lydia's acting like she's annoyed by Ikuto's presence which is strange. She's wanted to meet him since like, forever. Maybe she's playing hard to get?

We got through the rest of the day rather quickly. Each time we walked through the hallway I would play with my skirt. I don't wear skirts too often, and wearing a school uniform was awesome.

We headed down to Mr. Novak's room. He was the detention "supervisor". Right when we got in there we sat down. I was hoping this 2 hours would go by fast.

"I expect you all to behave, while I make a quick run."

Ikuto leaned over to me and whispered. "Quick run means he won't be back until the 2 hours are up." He smirked and leaned over to Lydia, who layed down on the desk.

Ikuto looks to be having fun, though. I turn to Haru and start up a conversation.

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