Dragon's Awake

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The Dragons' Last

Prologue: Awakening

A man stood still, his arms and hands shook with disbelief of who he has finally found. He was shocked, but from the spot near the tunnel's entrance he walked. Slowly the man took his steps, fearing that if he ran his hopes would be crushed too soon.

In the den's center a girl lay on the grass carpet. Light shone from high above, cascading over the girl in a perfect circle. Flowers embraced the girl as she slept. They were wove into her two braids that were placed gracefully over the shoulders and were all around her like a bed. Her hair was pale white blonde reflecting the sunlight like it was summer. Her lips were full, pale pink in neither a smile nor a frown. In her hands just above the waist she held a small box. It was tiny, about the size of a child's fist. The clothes the girl wore were ancient looking and old. They were the only thing hinting her age.

Stumbling the man reached the girl. He touched her cheek with amazement. It was smooth and warm without a single trace of dust. He grinned joyfully down at the girl.

He has found her at last. The last of her kind. The last female dragon.


Ten Years Later~

William paced around his office deep in thought. It has been ten years since he has found her. He excited at first to find her before the dragon hunters, but now the problem is when will she wake up?

After finding the girl he and some friends moved her to a hospital. His other friend who owns the hospital puts her down as a patient in a coma in her health record so no questions were asked. He even had packs around the city to be alert for unusual signs of weather or people.

A year went by. Then another. And before you know it ten years past and nothing. She still haven't woken up.

A phone rang out loud. William picked up the phone and looked out through the large glass window.

"Hello? This is William Trace."He answered as rain began hitting against the window.

"William."Replied the voice from the phone."This is Trey. I am at the hospital..."


"Well when I checked on her room she isn't there. The hospital window was smashed open."

"What?!", William gape with disbelief. Outside a miniature storm began boiling up. " Did- did she woke up?"

"I'm checking the security camera's recording of her room right now -"

A crash of broken glass falling on to the floor is heard over the line and the sound of someone jumping. "She woke up around 2:30 pm and escape through the window at 2:35 pm. Will, did you hear me she woke up!"

"I did! Now we will have to find her... She could be any where in the city. Alert the pack alpha near your area, okay Trey? I will do the same for mine."

With that he hung up. Looking through the window the man whispered to himself with wonder.

"Just how does she learn to surprise us every time?"

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