Chapter 3: This Age

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I stood above a large structure. The wind blew wildly at me. Although I wore and skimpy outfit which I notice is similar to a robe I hardly feel the cold. Being so high up remind me of the past. The days up on the cliffs in human form when nothing in the world mattered, but the sky and the view.

Now I'm sadden. Watching the movements of humans from below I thought with twisted humor that they looked like ants. Just how can ants over throw a giant? Just how could ants do the impossible? I smiled bitterly. Humans... They are a type of being you can either despise or admire. I choose to do both. Yet the others had a different view of them than I had. I saw each human as an individual, but some of my comrades only see them as a sort of entertainment. If only they saw them as individuals each with their own thoughts and mind. Perhaps then they could of prevented their own fall. I can't believe that only I had survived. I took a deep breath and coughed.

The air is dirty. Looking around I can see why. This place is too populated... too much people and way too crowded. I frown as an unpleasant smell tickle my nose. Death. It was a sour and rotten scent. Nearly the whole place stank of of death, I can't believe that I hadn't smelt it before. I sigh, just how much the world had changed during the time I lay in dormant was beyond my imagination.

The multiple large structures which surround me are too unnatural to my liking and so depressing. Life is nearly every where here,yet the most important ones aren't. There isn't an abundant amount of greenery nor any potents. Just how long this generation will last, I could theorize just by looking around.

Knowing little about this century, I would probably be out dated and an alien to the humans. Nodding to myself I zoom in with my eyes at the crowds of people. I looked at a couple carefully absorbing in their detail. A woman with honey colored hair and eyes green with flex of grey. She looks to be in her mid thirties and had great curves. Next was a younger teen wearing lenses, she was slim. Her eyes were cast downward as her black hair cascaded down her shoulders. The other I noticed had a hood over the face , but I could tell easily that it was a male. I paused and sniffed the air. And not just any male but an interesting breed, a wolf...

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