Fluffy pov- b4 Mitch adopts him~cressele

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Damn this cage!

I feel like a helpless puppy!

Trapped, alone, hurt.

But there's no way I'm getting adopted.

First of all, I'm not a baby bakka anymore. Im a teenager bakka. but They say I'm not old enough to be on my own, blah blah blah, have to stay and get a home, blah. I can take care of myself, and I know that, so I tried to escape. That's why I'm in a cage. In reality, baby animal get sdopted because they are frigging adorbs! And bakkas grow to be pretty big.

Second, I wasn't cute as a baby bakka and I'm sure as hell not cute now.

Third, I look unhealthy.

Four, I have an additude

Five, I speak English. Even if I got adopted, they'd be running away in horror

Dammit! This cage is way to uncomfortable!

I struggle with no avail, as usual.

It's not only an uncomfortable cage, it's also to small, and makes me bored as hell

I mean who wouldn't be bored? Cooped up all day with absolutely nothing to do.

A lady walks in with my disgusting food and makes an attempt to force-feed me.

I bite her.

She gasps rapidly trying to pull her hand out of the cage.

Ha,take that biatch! I won't let go.

Fine, if i'm treated like an animal, ill act like one.

Eventually, I hear a snap in her hand and let go. Yea, you better run!

After that I don't remember much. A few guys came in with a tranquilizer, and me, still being rebellious tricked them into shooting each other.

I died laughing. But then the lady who gave me the shitty food earlier was still awake, and apparently had a tazer. what else would she do? she used it on me.

Notch, it was hilarious! Definitely the most exciting thing to happen since I've been endlaved in this hell called an animal shelter.

The term doesn't even make sense.this isn't shelter. I rather be free and in danger than safe and locked up. They should give us a choice!

They don't. I'm guessing because with helpless animals, they can make a quick buck. Then get rid of the extras.

Oh, forgot to mention that.

I absolutely NEED to break out by tomorrow.

That's when they kill me. Or, as they put it, 'put to sleep'.

Yea, I'm sure you'd be fine with being forcefully murdered.

I start to claw at the bars of my cage.

Maybe I can break out.

I don't think I can, but It's literally life or death. I'll have to try

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