Jason's Chapter ((Feels or...?)) ~Aleks

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Omfg! Guys I am super sorry about this! There is so many reasons why I haven't been able to update. One I have been busy with school, two I've been spending more time with my boyfriend Kevin, and three I thought I lost the chapter but when I logged on on my laptop it was saved thank god!

But to make it up to everyone, even my amazing co-writers, I am making this chapter longer then normal.

I just truly hope you all can forgive me for not updating.

I feel really bad about it y'know.


~Jason's POV~

I quickly pulled out my cell phone. As I did that Mitch fell to the floor.

Shit! Gotta Hurry! Come on Jason! My thoughts screamed in my head as I pounded the keys 9 and 1. As soon as those numbers appeared on the screen, I slammed my thumb down on the call button. Then comes the worst part of all...

Waiting for an operator to answer. To most people its seems really quick when you see it on TV and such things, but when you're the one calling it seem like it takes forever to get an answer. And in my case, it did feel like it was taking forever.

My heart was pounding so fast. And my hands were shaking as I held the phone to my ear. I had thoughts exploding in my head like, will Mitch be okay? or, where's Fluffy? and all those kinds of things. But I tries to push them away to keep my mind calm. Jason you are fine. Calm down. I thought.

"Hello 911, how may I help you?" a soft females voice say. I sighed in relief. An answer at last.

"U-uhm yes... My friend got a serious head ache the collapsed to the ground out cold and I don't know what to do!!" I blurted, not realizing how horrified I sounded. I felt tears sting my eyes, but I blinked them away.

"Sir, everything will be alright. Now what's your name, and where do you live?" the woman asked in a calm and soothing voice. I sniffled before answering her.

"M-my name is J-J-Jason... And I l-live on 18 Cherry Street." I said, with a pretty big stutter.

"Well Jason, its nice to meet you, I'm April. I'll send an ambulance right away." April said. I sniffed again, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"T-thank you v-very much." I said, still fighting back some tears that were trying to force their way out of me.

"You're very welcome sweetie. Just don't forget that everything is going to be okay." April said before we both hung up.

Yeah... Everything will be okay... I thought, doubt and what ifs crammed into my mind. As I waited for the ambulance to get here, I walked over to where Mitch was out cold and I sat next to him. I felt more tears stinging my eyes. But this time I couldn't help but cry. I'm just so worried! I wish there was more I could do. But no... All I could do is sit here and cry while I wait for the ambulance.

As I cried I could have sworn that I heard sirens. At first I thought it was just my mind going wild, but then the sound got louder... And louder... Until paramedics burst through the doors. I was relived. Mitch could finally get the help that he needs.

"Over here!" I called out to them. The two men nodded and rushed over to where I was sitting with Mitch. Then then places Mitch on a stretcher and rushed him into the ambulance. I followed them, and they let me outside. When I got to the ambulance one of the men gave me a puzzled look.

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