Prologue- Dan's POV

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I sat in the headmaster's office, arms crossed, completely pissed off. "Now, Mrs. Howell," I heard my headmaster saying to my mother, who was sitting next to me, "If Daniel doesn't raise his grades by the end of March, he will not graduate with his class. His highest grade at the moment is a D-. He actually has a 20% in one class." My mother shook her head, disappointed.

"Along with the academic struggles Daniel is experiencing, he has had several behavioral problems," The headmaster continued. "Talking back to teachers, bullying other students, fights, and completely unnecessary acts of PDA in the school hallways. He has had 18 suspensions this year alone, both in school and out of school. And it's only December. That would be a new record for this school."

I smirked. Hey, I have to be remembered somehow. "Mr. Howell, that is not something you should be proud of." My mother sighed. "Yes, we have experienced problems like that at home. Is there anything you can do to help with his grades? A tutor? After school classes?"

The headmaster nodded. "Actually, we have a program here at the school to help students in Daniel's position. We assign them a tutor, which is what we have done for Daniel." He pulled out a piece of paper. "Mr. Howell, you will be attending after school tutoring every day of the school week for two hours a day. We also encourage you and your tutor to spend time studying outside of the required amount of time. It looks like your assigned tutor is Philip Lester." 

I sat upright. "NO. Not that loser! You can't pair me up with him!" "Daniel!" my mother said, disapprovingly. 

I shook my head. No. This cannot be happening right now. The world has conspired against me.

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