Chapter 1- Phil's POV (tw/ self harm)

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~One week earlier~

"Get out of my way, gay boy." I was shoved into my locker by Dan. Again. I fought back the tears- I always teared up, even though it was a daily occurrence. Keep your head down, Phil, I said to myself. Don't give them the reaction they want.

"Hey, ---, do you have the homework for Pre-Calc?" Dan asked. I just ignored him and opened my locker. Before I could reach for my books, Dan slammed it shut. "Hey, I'm talking to you. Do you have the homework?"

"No, I didn't do it." I said quietly, with my head down. Which was a lie, of course. I always do my homework. Dan grunted. "I want the answers by the time class starts. Got it?"I nodded. Dan's girlfriend, who was hanging on his arm, laughed with Dan as they walked away. I grabbed my books and ran to the bathroom, which is where I spent my lunch period. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I got out my homework answers and started copying them down on a separate piece of paper.

When I was finished, I leaned my head against the wall in the back of the bathroom stall. I rolled up my sleeves, looking at my cut up arms, and I cried even more. I just didn't understand why Dan and his friends bullied me the way they did. I never did anything to them. Maybe it was because I was gay. Maybe it was because of my clothes- the video game and anime t-shirts. I just didn't know.

The bell rang and I got up and walked to pre-calc, passing by Dan on the way there. I handed him the answers. "Here. Last night's homework." I whispered. Dan nodded. "See, I knew you'd come through. Always do, Lester." I silently nodded and sat down in my seat. After we handed in out homework, the room's intercom buzzed on.

"Mr. Holden?" The lady on the intercom asked. "Yes?" "I need you to send Philip Lester to the headmaster's office, please." Mr. Holden looked at me. "Got that?" I nodded and grabbed my stuff to leave.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door. Through the little window in the door, I saw out headmaster wave me inside. "Hello, Philip, please take a seat. Don't worry," he said when he saw my nervous face. "You're not in trouble." I sat down in a chair in front of his desk.

"Well, Philip, I've been looking at your grades. You're a very good student. You know that, right?" I nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm content with my grades." "Good," he continued. "You see, I need you to tutor a student who is struggling with his grades. You will be tutoring him everyday after school for two hours, starting next week until the end of March. Can you do that?"

"Um, yes sir, I believe so. I don't work or have other obligations. May I ask who I will be tutoring?"

The headmaster nodded. "Yes, you will be tutoring Daniel Howell."

My stomach dropped. "Um, sir? I- well, not to be rude, but you do know that I have sent in many bullying reports regarding Dan? I don't think that paring us would be a good idea."

The headmaster smiled. "That's exactly why I paired you two. I figured if Daniel spent time with you, then maybe he would get to know you and stop bullying you."

I sighed. Did he seriously think that would work? If anything, Dan would bully me more. Adults were so ignorant sometimes. I couldn't just say no, though. "Um, okay. You said we start next week?"

"Yes. Thank you Philip. You may go back to class."

I got up to leave, but I did not return to class. I walked home, sobbing the entire way. There was no freaking way I was actually expected to spend time with Dan one-on-one for four months. I wasn't going to make it. I got home and fell on my bed, sobbing even more.

When my mum got home she came upstairs, knocking lightly on my door. "Phil? Phil, honey, are you okay?" she walked in and sat by my on my bed, holding me in her arms like I was a little kid again. "What happened, Philly? I hate seeing you so upset."

I sniffled. "I have to tutor Dan, starting next week. Five days a week. For four months. Mum, I hate that kid. He' so mean."

My hugged me. "Is that the same kid who bullys you so much?" I nodded. "Do they know? Why wuld they pair you two up?"

"They think it will help with the bullying. It's okay. I'll get through it. I'm going to go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

My mum kissed the top of my head. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything." she then got up and closed the door. I fell asleep, and when I woke up the next morning, I realized I hadn't even taken off my shoes.

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