Chapter 16- Dan's POV

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I sat in my mum's car, holding balloons, a large Pikachu stuffed animal, and some candy. "I'm scared, Mum. What if I'm rejected?"

"You won't be rejected, Dan."

"But maybe today's not the right day?"

"It's the right day."

"But, Mum, what if-"

"Oh my God, Dan. Get out of the car before I come and get you out."

"Love you, too, Mum." I got out nervously, and made my way inside the school. Everyone gave me weird looks, which was understandable because you don't regularly see people walking around with a large stuffed Pikachu.

I reached the are where Phil's locker was and smiled to see that he was already there. And we had ten minutes before class started. Perfect. 

Phil turned to look at me. "Hey, Dan! Woah, what's with the balloons and stuffed animal?"

I swallowed nervously, set the stuff down, and took Phil's hands in my own. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked. Oh God.

"Philip Michael Lester," I began. "You have changed my life in every way possible. Because of you I am now graduating high school. Because of you, my family has come back together. Because of you, I am no longer afraid. Because of everything that has happened, I have realized something. I cannot live without you. I love you, Phil. My question for you is do you love me back? Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

I saw tears in Phil's eyes, and I felt the anticipation in the room. Phil nodded, crying tears of joy, and was able to choke out one word: "Yes." To my surprise, everyone in the hallway started clapping. Then they started chanting. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" 

I smiled at Phil. "Should we oblige the masses?"

Phil gave me a cheeky wink. "I think we should."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, and Phil put his hands around my back. Our lips met, and we shared a long, passionate kiss. I heard more cheering around us. The headmaster complained about a lot of things I did, and I've changed most of it, but I'm sure as hell not stopping the PDA anytime soon. 

At first, the bullying was kind of bad. Phil and I had each other, though. When people would make rude comments, I would proudly hold Phil's hand (if I wasn't already) and march off. However, our proclamation of love began a surge of people coming out. I never knew how many queer people there were at our school. By the end of senior year, our school had become the most LGBT+ friendly school in the area. 

Graduation finally came around, and I remember walking up on stage and seeing Phil's eyes filled with tears. He was just as proud as my mum was. When my headmaster handed me my diploma, he smiled at me and gave me a personal congratulations for actually graduating. 

We headed back to Phil's house for a graduation party, and after our required socialization, Phil and I slipped outside. Phil's house had a beautiful backyard, which had been decorated in fairy lights. We laid on the hammock and watched the sunset.

Phil looked over at me. "I'm so proud of you, Dan. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Phil." I closed the distance between us and kissed him. We stayed outside for a long time, and we only came back in when my mum informed me that it was time to go. I stood up after giving Phil a goodbye kiss, then we left. 

Phil and I ended up going to the same university. I took my talent in science and studied medicine. Phil studied video post-production. Our life together was perfect. Every time I looked into Phil's eyes and watched him laugh, I knew that he everything. My one love. And I was sure to tell him everyday.

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