*this is the moment where the lover creepypasta is matched with you ( reader). Each route is originally 15 parts including the first 2parts (this third one will be reused to make the other starts of other parts). Any extra would be requested *
Jeff: let's play truth or dare!!
Jane: sure
Jeff: ok. Toby. Truth or dare
Toby: tr-
Jeff: dare. Awesome! I dare you to kiss the hottest girl here
(Y): what!? What kind of stupid-
*Toby kisses you! And when it ended he ran away! But you try running after him but you lost him...so you ran back to the group in the living room*
Sally: don't worry he probably is in his room He might have locked his door
(Y): can you help?
Sally: of course! * Sally drags you up to Toby's door and she knocks*
Toby, (y) wants to speak with you!
Open the doorToby: no Sally!
Sally: NOW
Toby: Ok.... *opens door*
Hi...(Y): why did you run?
Toby: I didn't think you would like the kiss
(Y): I'm a total flirt. Of course I loved the damn kiss
Jeff: hehe. Sup
Toby: * pimp slaps Jeff to the ground and turns back to face you*. (Y) do you wanna go to a spicy restaurant that is close by tonight
(Y): sure!
* you run to your room
And pick out a (f/c) dress*Time pass. The date
(Y): so what are you getting?
Toby: I'll have the spicy shrimp with salad. And water
So what did you want (Y) *smirks*(Y): a um... Spicy bacon burger
Waiter: ok Thank you * walks away*
Toby: alright our order is done
* waits for food*(Y): *gets on Facebook and changes statuses and adds a post about the date*. Ew my mom posted 3 pictures of me *shows toby*. I run away and she still does this
Waiter: sorry the chef that was making your food was knocked out by a koala with a collar saying jerry.
We sorted things out. Here is your food(Y): damn it jerry
Toby: you know the koala?
We'll thanks for the wood and drinks waiter(Y): did you just say wood instead of food?
Toby: I get wood and food mixed up
( face turns red) now I'm embarrassed(Y): *eats spicy bacon burger* lol it's fine. * drinks chocolate milkshake
Toby:so uh ... How do you like the date so far...?
(Y): it's the best.... And only one I have ever been on
Toby: * smiles*
(Y): after we pay the bill
We could go to the mansion and play on the xbox I gotToby: cool what kind of Xbox do you have? We have the xbox 1 at the mansion
(Y): it's the xbox360. I have skyrim
Toby: oh good. Lucky you * continues eating*
(Y): non nom * eats*
Toby: *gazes at (y)* you are so cute
(Y): I know
Toby: *chuckles* ( later). Well I'm full *smiles*
(Y):..... Yeah...... *kisses Toby's cheek*
Waiter: excuse me.. We are giving away the new dish, spicy spaghetti It's free
Toby: no thanks we are both full. I'll be paying where is the check?
Waiter: *gives bill *
but you need to take this
* gives bagged spicy spaghetti *(y): how much does the bill say?
Waiter: 6969.69 dollars
Toby: *rolls eyes* fine. *pays*. There happy? Ok (y) let's go * takes the spaghetti and walks out*. I wish he wasn't our waitress
Toby: ... You might be wondering how I have all that money. ...I robbed the bank because. Well. You know ... I'm a criminal *toby takes her and goes for a walk* this is nice I could use some fresh air
(Y): the sky is gorgeous ....................
but not like you areToby: you are gorgeous *kisses her*
Okay...let's continue walking *smiles*(Y): * speeds up walking and kissed Toby's cheek* ( not the butt cheeks xD)
*giggles*Toby: let's go back to...the creepy pasta house *smiles and holds her hand* alright
(y): yeah sounds great let's go * takes selfie with Toby and uses it for Facebook profile picture*

Creepypastas x reader
Hayran KurguFall for one of them ( please know that I typed this for funny stuff. This is not a serious story but please comment and give feedback) IM SORRY IF IGET WEIRD. It's just how I am!!