•30 hoodie

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(... did you enjoy that moment with Logan?) OML IM SO SORRY TO LEAVE FOR SO LONG...tbh I actually forgot about this app xD I'll try to make it more obvious on my phone and try to get back into the story. Maybe now I might have more ideas....idk Halp me

. . .

Jeff had tried to walk you home but you wouldn't move from the body. Eventually Jeff called masky to help get you home or to the mansion. Masky decided it would be to much of a distance to get you into the forest and to the hut, so they both dragged you to the mansion.

You sat in the couch in the mansion, think of your traumatic experience. Out of everyone in the mansion, Ben was the first to have the courage or stupidity to talk to you. "(Y).....are yo-u okay? I'm gonna sit here," bens voice cracked, "can I sit on the couch with you?"

You didn't reply. You didn't look at him. You didn't move a muscle. The thoughts of Logan and the pain rolled through.

"I'll just go," Ben walked back to the worried group in the kitchen. A loud slam from the door hitting the wall got the groups attention, but not yours. Hoodie walk into the door way. Before Ben could walk up to hoodie, hoodie went behind you. When hoodie got behind the back of the couch you were on, he gave you a hug.

"(Y). What happened?"

You finally looked up, tears started falling down quickly. The others were in a sort of outrage that they could have gotten you to look up. You voice wasn't ready but you said,"Jeff.....Jeff said he...killed logan...right in front of me..I- I couldn't stop- the knife..."

"Jeff and masky called me..and told me to come here"

"I don't know what to do...or how to react to anything....."

" that's okay....you just saw your friend die. Let's relax and take a break."

You get off the couch and walk home with hoodie. You were far too silent and hoodie kept getting more and more worried. As you arrive home, hoodie runs to claim the bathroom.

(Y): * you don't care to speak or to move any more. You just want to do nothing. More than anything in your head, you wanted to know that logan was alive.* ughhhhhh

Hoodie: *the come out of the bathroom to see the situation* I'm- so sorry *he walks over, lays on the floor with you and hugs you*

Soon night fell while you both were on the floor. Hoodie fell asleep and soon you did too with hoodies arm still partially on you.

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