•5 ticci toby

250 8 4


(Y): *you get up from Toby's room while the phone in you pocket is playing your favorite song ( ¿at the top?)  and enter your room and see BEN is where the bed was located, on the floor and sleeping*. BEN! Get off my floor. Or I will tell everyone what you have been doing!

Ben: * slowing waking*. B-b....ch
Gruh. NEEEEEE *wakes and eyes wide open*

(Y): had a nice dream?

Ben: * he looks angrily at you but gives a smug look* yeah I did. It was about you.

(Y): * you laugh*. Were you calling me a bad word before you woke up?

Ben: you mean th-

(Y): the female dog word

Ben: * keeps his smug look*. Yeah

(Y): ok I had enough * you kick Ben out*

Ben: * turning to look at you* OW-

(Y): bye butt face! * closing the door you start a bath and get clean. When you get out. You grab your towel and hear BEN trying to get in through the tv*. God damn you are persistent.
* you kick him back in to the tv*
Now go away so I can get dressed

Ben: *mumbles and walk out and going to clock work*


BEN: * still mumbling*

Clock: why do you look upset?

Ben: she keeps kicking me out

Clock: *rolls eyes ( I wonder why) *.
She who?

Ben: you know... (Y)

Clock: HER?

Ben: * looks up at clock. ~She looks pissed off.~ - now is my chance-*
It's ok clock.. I have-

Clock: shut up and don't even finish that flirt

Ben: -damn it-


(Y): * clock work breaks open your door*. Wha- what the hell! THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED

Clock: * she grabs you by your hair*


Clock: how dare you! *she slams you against the wall*. TOBY-IS-MINE
GOT THAT? * she lets go of you*

(Y): * your eyes change from their normal <color> to <color>*
Clock...   *you grab your knife and have a grin* I will never *you raise the hand holding the knife*

Slender teleports between you and clockwork

Slender: STOP THIS
* you and clock work are pushed against the opposite walls by slender's tentacle/(hands?) *

(Y): I-I ... * you lose grip on the knife and drop it below you*

Slender: you both need to stop
Clockwork. Toby moved on!
(Y) stop picking fights. You are not in charge I am!
*he lets both of you drop to the floor just as Toby walks in, still In a sleepy daze but still a accurate level of concern for what was going on*

Toby: (Y)- *slender blocks the entrance*. SLENDER LET ME IN

Slender: she is.. * mentally speaks with Toby so you can't hear*

Toby: *he looks at you with puppy eyes*. Slender let me-

Slender: no not now. * picks up clockwork and lays her at Toby's feet*. Get her outside. I need to speak with (Y) in private

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