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Falling for you was the hardest part
You were everything i desired
Everything about you was beautiful
Even when you slit my soul and along with it my heart

You got me down to my knees
Oh so fragile, & so weak
But it made me feel so beautiful
You tore me apart piece by piece
And I came back to you everytime
With the bits and pieces of me

I wanted to dissolve into your soul
Forget about everything
And just be yours and only yours
And when I was fully torn apart
That's when I realised
Realised that you were nothing but a beast at heart

I fooled myself into thinking;
Not all beasts kill
When that is what you did all along
Finishing every part of me
Pushing me way down the ocean
Until I could no longer feel

I wish I loved myself the way I loved you,
Because you really were a beast at heart..

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