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We drove for a while when Derek stopped in the woods near an old house that looked like half of it was burned down. It was surrounded by police cars and ambulences.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house." He replied.

"This is your house?"

"It was my family's. It was burned down in a fire which is part of a history lesson I'll have to give you later. The more important part is that problem I told you about, killed again."

"What? Who?"

"One of Argent's men. Bennet I think his name was."

"Why did he kill him..."

"I don't know. Thats the problem. I also don't know why he was here when it happened. None of this makes sense."

"So why are you telling me all of this? Why aren't Erica and Issac here too?"

"Because you're not like them. You have an ability they don't. Thats why I needed you in my pack."

"What ability..."

"This is going to sound horribly cliché, but you can see the future Melanie. Your mother was a seer too. A trait she passed on to you. She was known to many, so when I found out her daughter was moving to beacon hills I knew the best way to protect you and your ability was by recruiting you. There are many creatures in this world that you've always been told are myths, they're not. Understand this." he finished. I'm lost for words. I can't comprehend this. My mother...

"Did my mother know she was going to die that day?" I asked. I needed to know.

"Theres no way to tell for sure. Probably not, if she did she wouldn't have let it happen unless she knew it had to." I just looked at him for a minute before turning around and staring through the windshield at the chaos before me. Looking, but not really seeing. I just thought. About my life, my new and old, the good and bad.

"This won't be easy Melanie, it'll be worth it. Its gonna suck, you're gonna hate me, and you're gonna want to kill. Me, yourself, others who knows. Just trust me when I say that you're gonna have to cooperate and understand."

"I will."

"Good. Now lets get back to the warehouse, no point in taking you back now." I just nodded and leaned back in the chair. I closed my eyes, not with the intent of falling asleep but thats what happened. When the world finally came back to me I was laying on a couch in the warehouse and Derek, Erica, and Issac were standing around a table talking. I sat up and caught Issac's eye, had he been watching me sleep?

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"You fell asleep in the car and I figured you needed the rest. Issac carried you in here and we just let you sleep." Derek replied.

"Thanks" I said to the group, but directed it toward Issac. He nodded and smiled and went back to looking at his shoes like he always does. I stood up and joined them at the table.

"Any leads on the killer?" I asked, the sleep still in my voice.

"No." Derek said, well more yelled. He slammed his fist on the table and put his head in his hands. "I just don't get it."

I exchanged a look with Erica and we both shrugged.

"Derek I have to go home... My dad is gonna kill me." I muttered.

"Sure yeah Issac can drive you. If you decide to stay here with Issac and I you can get your stuff and come back."

"I can't stay here permanetly. I might stay here tonight though..." Derek nodded and walked off. Issac and I walked toward his car and got in.

"Why'd you do it?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"Become one of us."

"It felt right."

"I wish it hadn't..."

Abused (Issac Lahey)Where stories live. Discover now