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After the incident with Renee, Dean began to regret his actions and bad attitude towards Zoe. He felt guilty. He felt guilty about the fact that it was his fault that she was currently in a hospital. All because of him... Who knows?

She may even have career threatening injuries from the blows to the head she received. This could possibly shatter Zoe's heart and end her wrestling long-term career.

Sadly, to think that this all transpired around the relationship between Dean and Renee as well as the proposed story line of The Authority. Around a misconception. It was all a misunderstanding.

Dean sighed and stared at himself in the mirror feeling remorseful, a feeling that he's not used to knowing. Never in his life has he ever felt this way. He never, ever expected to feel guilty over something like this. He usually, almost never is regretful. Never.

After another few minutes of solitude, he exited the bathroom. He went on to speak with someone who could locate the hospital that is currently taking care of Zoe to personally apologize to her. The Authority.

- - -

Dean didn't bother to knock on the office door. He swiftly turned the doorknob and pushed in to see that the door was unlocked. 'Things are turning out to be easier than I thought..' thought Dean.

As he slowly went further in to the office, he noticed that Stephanie was on the phone with no Hunter in sight. He walked towards Stephanie very quietly and lightly tapped her on the shoulder although the light tap seemed to startle the living hell out of her.

"I'll call you back." She said in to the phone before hanging up. She put the phone away and turned towards Dean. With a her arms crossed and a frown gracing her lips, she said, "How did you get in here?" Dean returned a frown as well and replied, "Through the door that was unlocked." he stated as of matter of fact.

Stephanie shook her head slightly and cut to the chase. "What do you need?" she asked in a bored tone. "I need to know the hospital where Zoë currently staying at." he spoke. Upon hearing this, Stephanie raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "Why?" she quizzed. "So this time around you can actually put an end her career? Tell me, Dean, does she bother you that much?" Dean rubbed his face, as Stephanie's words fueled Dean's anger. Nonetheless, he answered ever so calmly, "No, no. Stop. All I want to do is personally apologize to her." Dean simply said. Stephanie shook her head. "After everything that you've put her through or should I say that ex of yours, Renee Young, who has been suspended due to her unprofessionalism? Really? The answer is no. Now, get out of my office!" she demanded and pointed at the door. "The exit is that way."

Dean huffed in anger and left the room. Once he was out, he was able to hear the faint click of the door being locked. 'Great...that didn't go as planned.' he thought to himself.

He was beginning to close his eyes and admit defeat when someone in particular came in to view. Paige.

"Paige, hey! Where are you going?" Dean asked. Startled, Paige looked up at Dean in suspicion. "Uh, no where in particular. Just leaving." she replied. Dean nodded, although didn't reply immediately.

'Should I ask?' he thought. 'Worth a shot.'

" you know the hospital where Zoe is at?" Paige frowned at his question as she soon became very suspicious of him. "Please," he continued, "I just need to apologize to her. I just need forgiveness from her." It took Paige a while to think over his words. The wait for an answer was slowly painfully killing Dean on the inside. Paige herself had to think about it since she was unsure of what to do. Would Zoe want this?

Reluctant, she finally answered him. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I'm actually headed there myself." Dean felt a sense of relief. "Thank you." he said in all honesty. Paige gave him a tight smile and nodded. The two got in Dean's car as Paige told him the address of the hospital.

- - -

Upon arriving at the hospital, Dean became nervous. He hadn't thought up a sincere apology for what an ass he's been lately. He never thought he'd actually be here. He really didn't think he would make it this far. Paige got out and closed the car door behind her before making her way in to the building as Dean followed after her.

As they approached the reception, Paige was the first to speak up. "Hello, we're here to see Zoe Beckham, please." The person behind the desk lifted their head and eyes both Paige and Dean. Dean narrowed his eyes at the receptionist making the receptionist uncomfortable under his gaze.

The receptionist cleared their throat and said, "Down this hall, take a right and her room should be the first one when you take that right." Paige nodded and was about to thank the receptionist when they again began to speak, "But I should warn you both that her parents are with her at the moment, so I advise you to wait your turn until they leave."

Paige thanked them for the information and then began to walk towards the direction of Zoe's room.

Dean gulped as he heard that Zoe's parents are here. 'Are they upset? Of course they would be!' he scolded himself. Rubbing his face over and over again, he let out deep breaths and prepared himself to come face to face with Zoe and possibly her parents that is, if he and Paige run in to them.

Paige noticed the nervous wreck that is Dean and rolled her eyes. "Relax," she said, "Her parents are cool. They're not going to murder you or I guess they won't at least, I'm not entirely sure..."

Her words did not comfort him in the least and instead sent him in to a whirlwind of worry.

'What if Zoë told her parents that he practically choked her and went on to threaten her too?'

Shaking his head, Dean was about to return back to the waiting room when he heard yelling and screaming come from Zoe's hospital room, "No! Absolutely not! After you check out from this hospital, I want you to leave that damned company and come back home with us!" said a man.

Then after heard someone say in a croaky voice, "Dad, no please. This is a dream for me. I wanted this for so long. I just can't abandon it..."

Dean knew better than to listen on to this private conversation between Zoe and her parents. Turning on his heel, he returned to his seat in the waiting room.

He had come to realize that Zoe's career is now in jeopardy.

All because of Dean Ambrose.


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