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you can listen to the song, or not. really doesn't matter, but i heard this play so...enjoy! if you have wwe2k16 you might recognize the song. probably one of my favorite songs on wwe2k16.

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As soon as Dean left, Paige came in with a smirk on her face. "So," she began, "I'm guessing he gave you a sincere apology. Am I right?" Zoe averted her gaze, not wanting to answer her question. She basically almost saw Zoe kiss Dean. Crap. "Okay, don't answer me. Fine. I'll find out sooner or later."

"How about never?" Zoe suggested. Paige faked a laugh. "Real funny. You and Dean would make a cute couple, in my opinion." Zoe shook her head. "Please stop. Don't ever say that again. No, why would you even say that in the first place?" Paige shrugged.

"Why not? After basically cock blocking, it's impossible not to." she responded. Zoe shrugged her shoulder, letting Paige think whatever she's thinking about. 'Cock block.'

"Well, I did say in my opinion, no?" Zoe breathed out a sigh, not in the most pleasant mood.

"Okay, so tell me, what's up? I know somethings bothering you? Is it that you regret almost kissi-"

"My parents visited me today," interrupted Zoe. Paige nodded. "Yeah, so?" Zoe lowered her head down.

Hoping that the tears won't spill, she looked Paige right in the eye and she spoke: "They want me to quit WWE." With that said, Paige's reaction wasn't what Zoe was expecting.

She was expecting a simple, calm 'why?', but instead, she got a blood-curling scream. She lost it. For real this time.

"No! Absolutely not! You cannot leave! It is not happening on my watch." she shouted. Zoe shook her head as Paige kept ranting on why she shouldn't leave. As if she wanted to.

"Listen to me Zoe when I say you shouldn't give a single fuck about what your parents think. Who cares! You shouldn't!" Zoe sighed, but she didn't dare to interrupt the Brit.

"Please, Zoe. Tell me that you're not leaving. Tell me that you're still going to stay and kick ass in the ring. Pleeaase stay."

"Don't worry. I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon."

- - -

Paige left soon afterwards, and again Zoe was left alone for the time being. She was left to wonder of her future.

Should I really listen to my parents? Is it really time to retire and start a family? I still have time. She thought.

I'm only just 30 years old. Time. I still have that. Why do my parents care so much about wanting grand kids from me?

She shook away these thoughts from her head. She did not want to think of such nonsense right at the moment.

A knock resonated, making her jump abruptly. "Woah, didn't mean to scare you." she glanced over at a smiling Dean with his hands raised in surrender. "Oh, it's you." she said, quietly.

Dean narrowed his eyes. "Well, who were you expecting?"


"Paige left a while ago." What a surprise.



Zoe shrugged her shoulders. "I just wanted to talk to her again about something, but I guess I'll have to wait." Dean nodded. "Right, so how're you feeling?"

"Good. Better than the first day when I was first brought here for sure."

"Of course. I - well I know - Okay, I've been meaning to tell you something." Dean fumbled with his fingers, figuring a way to explain whatever it is that's on his mind. Zoe paused as well for a moment to think too. She thinks she knows what he wants to tell her.

"Are you going to tell me that it was that crazy ex-girlfriend of yours who attacked me?" He nodded. "Yeah, honestly, I have to apologize right now for her because she won't ever do it herself."

Zoe dismissed his apology. "Don't worry about it. It isn't necessary. Really, but thanks anyway." Dean hung his head low, feeling guilty over the fact that he is the sole reason why Zoe is here in the first place.

"It's okay. You apologized. I accepted your apology. Plus, I'm actually checking out of here tomorrow. No worries." she reassured. He smiled upon hearing these words. "Great, great, so does that mean that you're returning to WWE as well?"

As these words left his mouth, Zoe's smile faded. Dean noticed the absence of her smile, making his smile falter. "Um, as of right now. I'm not so sure. Some complications came up."

"Complications?" he questioned. She nodded. "What do you mean by complications?" Stopping to contemplate, she bit her lip and thought about telling him.

Should I? No. I can't. It's a personal matter.

"Um, nothing. Don't worry about it. It's not very serious."

"Are you sure?" The question hung in the air, waiting for a response.

Zoe gave in.

"No, I just don't know anymore. It's just that my parents came by," she said, "and you know, they supported me in becoming a wrestler but that all changed now after this has happened."

Dean took a seat at bedside and closely listened on to Zoe's story.

"They want me to quit. They want me to leave the wrestling business."

Dean said nothing. His facial expression did not change. He kept on his usual stoic face.

Zoe shook her head, instantly regretting the words that left her lips. "Sorry, I just - I don't know why I'm telling you this all of a sudden."

"No, it's fine. You can tell me. You can trust me."

In that moment, Zoe trusted him as though nothing bad happened between the both of them.

After explaining to Dean the situation, he carefully listened to what she had to say. He didn't interrupt hrt or said any sly comments which was a relief to Zoe.

She felt a lot tension leave her body as she was able to tell someone, besides Paige, about the predicament.

- - -

Night time was slowly approaching forcing Dean Ambrose to leave the building.

As soon as Dean left, he felt odd. He knew beforehand that Zoe wasn't likely to return to the ring since he eavesdropped on her earlier conversation with her parents. He was filled with shame as he did not come forth and tell Zoe what he heard.

He even told her that she could trust him. He wasn't expecting her to trust him to begin with, but she did anyway.

Although he kept trying to mend things with Zoe Beckham, he also kept ruining it after each and every lie he uttered and the silent truth he won't speak of.

He was a liar.

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*also at the top is how i picture zoe, buut you can picture her however you want. :)

thanks for reading!

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