3)Godric's Turner

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Ava stared at her phone, silently trying to figure out how or why it would say the year was 1995. The only valid explanation would be someone changed the date in a bid to freak her out.
"Alright, that's very funny," Ava laughed, shaking her head. "You switched the date on my cell phone - I don't know how you guys did that, but very funny..."
"Miss, what is your name?" Arthur asked curiously.
"Ava Black," Ava answered, fiddling around with her cell phone. Her calendar even said the date was 1995. How did these people manage to change the date on the phone altogether? 
"Any relation to Sirius?" One of the twins asked. Molly sent the twin a scathing look, as if appalled he asked such a thing.

"I'm sure this young woman does not enjoy someone asking if they are related to a murderer, George." She said sternly. There seemed to be some hidden meaning in her voice, but the look she cast the twin was a silent warning. One that obvious said, shut-up.
Ava rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm secretly the love child of Sirius Black and someone he went to Hogwarts with. Dumbledore's my grandpa, Snape is my uncle. Hermione Granger's my long lost twin, and-"
"How do you know my name?" Hermione - Emma Watson - asked curiously. 
Ava stared at all of the curious faces looking back at her, not believing everyone was still playing this strange game. "Oh, so you guys can joke around, but you don't like someone using sarcasm back at you?  Figures," she sighed, taking a step away from the couch. "May I please borrow a phone? Any other day I'd be psyched meeting actors, but I should probably start asking some questions....Who signed me up for this show, and where are the cameras?"

"Arthur, did she hit her head rather roughly?" Molly whispered.

Arthur peered over at the girl, a heavy frown to him. "I don't feel so. Fred and George apparated beside her, and she then collapsed. She didn't even fall completely because George put an arm out to catch her."
"Oi," one of the twins began, "don't go blaming  us-"
"It's not our fault our dazzling good looks startled the American." The other twin finished.

Ava watched the two boys who towered over her, suppressing a grin. They really were identical. She couldn't tell them apart, and their finishing each other's sentences only made it worse. Ava laughed. "Alright, you all get credit for staying in such great character, but really....Who signed me up for this?"
At that exact moment, a squawking sound was making a loud noise from outside. Ava stared at the window, witnessing a large barn owl flying at a quickened speed towards it.
The large owl hit the window rather roughly, not realizing the window wasn't open.
"Oh...Snap....Good thing it's not a real animal.." Ava muttered, wincing. Ron quickly hurried over to the window, pulling it open.

"Ah Errol - how many time do you need to do that, mate," he muttered.

Ava stared at the large owl as it came into the window, amazed by how realistic it looked. "He looks so lifelike." She nodded in approval.
"Really Arthur, we should take the poor girl to St. Mungos," Molly whispered. "She doesn't sound quite right-"
"Course she doesn't, mum. The girl's American." One of the twins laughed humorously.

"A response from Dumbledore," Arthur sighed, hurriedly opening the letter the owl carried. He scanned through the contents, frowning. "He says we should bring her with us to..." he trailed off, watching Molly with a silent expression.
"Grimmauld place. He wishes to meet with her."
"The Order of the Phoenix!" Ava laughed jubilantly. Shaking her head, she reached down for her duffel bag  only to realize it was no longer strapped around her. "Alright, who took my bag??"
Molly and Arthur exchanged horrified looks. "You know about the Order??"
Ava frowned, not understanding why these people were being so very serious; why couldn't they just drop the act? It wasn't funny.
Ginny carefully walked over, holding the familiar duffel bag belonging to Ava by the strap. "Mum, if she can't get back to the future, can we keep her?"
"Blimey Gin, keep her?" Ron snorted. "She's not a pet-"
"She's rather entertaining" Ginny smiled wistfully.

Ava frowned, carefully accepting the duffel bag from the red headed girl. She unzipped her bag and reached into it, brandishing her recently acquired book of Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.
Holding it up for everyone to see, Ava shrugged. "Look, now here's the undeniable proof all of you are no longer funny."
This statement just caused everyone look to one another in surprise as Ron fed the owl a snack. "A book?" Hermione asked curiously.
"What is so revealing about a plain covered book?" Ginny asked with heavy interest.
Ava started to laugh. "You're seriously going to pretend you can't read the cover?"
"Molly, perhaps you're accurate in believing a trip to St. Mungo's would be necessary," Arthur whispered.
Just then, the fireplace in the kitchen started making strange noises. Ava's head whipped around to see what the noise could be, only to find it erupting in green flames before a man climbed out of the small opening. "Weasley's, are you coming? Harry will be arriving in a relatively short amount of time! I hear the trial went well-"
"Lupin's apart of this act too?" Ava questioned with wide eyes. This entire situation kept getting a little more strange as time passed. Her thumb no longer hurt, gauze holding around the area of which she was previously cut. The man dressed in scruffy robes walked  into the room, looking towards Molly and Arthur.
"Remus, we have a bit of a dilemma at large..." Molly called, watching Ava worriedly. Remus Lupin hurried into the room, not noticing anything out of the ordinary until he spotted Ava.

"Oh. A friend of the children from Hogwarts?"

"Er....Actually...." Arthur intervened. "This young lady appeared in our garden, wearing this." He said, holding Ava's necklace out for Lupin to see.

"Seriously, when is someone going to give me my necklace back, and how the heck did you  just appear out  of that fireplace?" Ava questioned, walking into the kitchen. She didn't care if it was rude to walk around this strange place without permission, she couldn't figure out how the man seemed to climb out of the fireplace when there didn't appear to be a trap door anywhere. It truly appeared as though he climbed out of a green flamed fireplace.

"Oh my...This is no regular time turner," Remus announced, his eyes worried going back and forth from Molly to Arthur. There was a strange expression  on his face, one that Ava didn't pay attention to for she was too entranced by the fire place.
"Kids, up stairs, all of you!" Molly ordered, motioning for everyone to leave the room.
"Ah, mum!"
"Don't you mum me, get out; the lot of you!" Molly barked, suddenly holding a very worried expression.
All the red headed teenagers including Hermione began to make their way into the kitchen to get to the stairs. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny seemed rather weary of Ava all of the sudden, as if there was something strange about her  all because Remus cast a look that silently told Molly that the kids ought to leave.
It was only as Remus Lupin hurriedly made his way into the kitchen did he direct his wand at Ava's chest.
"Where is the place of which you came?" He demanded in a snarl.
"Remus! Don't frighten the poor girl, she barely knows which way is up!" Molly cried in exasperation.
Ava felt no fear over the stick pointed directly at her heart. She wasn't quite certain what the man planned on doing; poking her with it? It was a stick shaped like a wand. There really wasn't much the man could do to harm her besides poking an eye out or hitting her to the upside of the head. The wand started erupting red sparks, causing Ava to jump back in surprise.
"H-how d-did the stick do that??"
"She claims she's from the year 2016, Remus," Arthur said, wearing a worried expression as he ignored Ava's question. "I don't want to believe that to be true; that would mean the time turner was made of dark magic to propel her so far into the past."
"This is no ordinary time turner or regular artifact Arthur. This certain necklace was goblin made many, many years ago for a certain family," Remus claimed, his face paling.

"You recognize it?" Molly asked with a frown.
"Indeed, Molly." Remus answered quietly. "This specific time-turner has a place in history."
"Which means....?"
"It belonged to Godric Gryffindor," Remus answered, wearing a somewhat frightened expression.

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