12) Sorted

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Ava should not have mistakenly assumed her troubles with Pansy Parkinson would be over the second she was off the Hogwarts express. After being told that she would have to ride in the boats with the first years up to the castle, the pug faced girl shrieked with laughter as two other girls joined in with her.
Ava felt suspiciously that the two other girls had no real idea what they were laughing at. She assumed they just started laughing because they didn't want Pansy to feel left out.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione spotted Ava right away. All three were confused as to why Ava was giggling as Pansy started throwing insults her way. "Blimey Ava, what's so funny about Parkinson insulting you?" Ron asked in surprise.

Ava grinned. "She's apparently FORGOTTEN the threat of having her own wand shoved up her ass!" she called loudly, earning quite a few loud laughs from passing Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. Ava even spotted a few male Slytherins who laughed hard as well. Pansy's cocky smile soon dropped off her face as she glared towards Ava's direction.
"That was you!?" Ginny asked, re-joining the group. "That was brilliant! All the fourth years were talking about it. Michael Corner even said someone had Pansy's own wand against her."

Hermione suddenly looked chalk white. "No, Ava! You can't do or say things like that" she hissed in a whisper. "It could toy with the future-
"Oh get off it, Mione," Ron scoffed. "I highly doubt any repercussions of the future will happen from Ava giving Parkinson a nice option of where to shove her own wand," he said, causing Harry to snort with laughter. "C'mon, we've got to get over to the carriages."

"Ooh, the enchanted ones that are pulled by nothing?" Ginny asked curiously.
"Oh! The carriages that are pulled by thestrals?" Ava asked excitedly, having another strange fan-girl moment. Ginny, Harry, and Ron stared at her perplexed as Hermione frowned. 
"They are not pulled by-"
"They are," Luna Lovegood nodded dreamily, coming to stand beside Ava. "They're pulled by thestrals. You can only see them if you've seen someone die in life. Hello again, Ava," she said brightly.
Ron's brows raised. "You know Loony Lovegood-"
"No Ron, but I know a Luna Lovegood," Ava interjected, rolling her eyes at Ron's poor choice of wording. Contrary to what the characters of the HP series thought, Ava found Luna to be really insightful. It was no wonder the girl was sorted into Ravenclaw; she was clever. 
"She came with me to wand hunt at Ollivanders," Ava explained.
"Twas a fun experience" Luna nodded thoughtfully, causing Ginny to grin. "Did you ever find one?"
"Yes I did," Ava smiled happily, taking her wand out to show Luna the wand it took so long to find. Lune admired it while happily explaining wood fairies help wand makers pick the wood for wands. Hermione looked to be resisting a snicker. The girls were so occupied listening to Luna they neglected to see the pale-blonde boy approaching until he cackled with laughter. 

"Potty and the Weasle. Come along Crabbe and Goyle, we wouldn't want their mudblood germs to...Ava?" Malfoy questioned mid rant, suddenly frowning.
Ava turned around to see Draco Malfoy watching her with a perplexed expression. His grey eyes looked between the golden trio and where Ava stood as he arched a blonde brow. She could smack him upside the head for his rude remark, or she could just ignore it. She chose the latter.
"Hey!" she waved. "Good to see you again."

Ron made a retching noise before Hermione immediately pulled him to the side explaining they had duties as prefects to get to. They walked away, leaving the smaller group in awkward silence. Draco frowned. "Er...what are you doing here?"

Ava gave a roll of her shoulders. "I told you I was going to Hogwarts, so here I am."
Draco shook his ash-blonde head. "I meant what are you doing conversing with this lot?"
Ava had no time to say she was talking to her friends before Pansy Parkinson suddenly made a reappearance while escorted by a tall black boy who Ava knew to be Blaise Zambini.
"Ah! Draco, so you've met the snot-faced bitch who harassed me!" Pansy said, suddenly looking superior.
Harry rolled his eyes as Ginny and Luna motioned for Ava to follow them. "Harassed you?" Ava snorted before Draco could answer. "I clearly remember you pushing a first year down and threatening to place boils on her, pug-face. Don't lie."
Pansy's face paled as Zambini glared. Gregory Goyle's thick brows furrowed after a moment. "Wait....You...are...the girl who threatened Pansy...." he said slowly, causing Ava to believe this was the closest equivalent to a Neanderthal that she was ever going to come across. She couldn't believe she's been in front of the guys face for the last two minutes and he's only now figured out who she was.
"You've just figured that out now, big guy?" she asked, arching a dark brow. Surely he couldn't be that stupid.
Goyle flexed his arms as Pansy glared. "You don't look so brave now that you don't have a seventh year to help you fight," she sneered.
Ava mentally noted the pug-faced brat was far more confident when surrounded by a bunch of boys. Draco kept alternating looks between Ava and Pansy, not quite looking as though he wanted to be involved in this verbal spat.
"Help me fight? I remember pulling your hair just fine without any help from Lee," Ava said, smiling coyly. "Anyway, I'd say it's been fun, Pansy, but I'd be lying," she sighed, spinning on her heel and walking towards the boats where the first years were gathering. Ava waved goodbye to the laughing Ginny, Harry, and Luna as they made their way to their individual destinations.

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