13) Identical Twins Are Evil

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The rest of the night was the first in which Ava found herself miserable while living in the HP universe

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The rest of the night was the first in which Ava found herself miserable while living in the HP universe. She did not believe for a moment that the Sorting Hat made the right decision. It couldn't have.
Slytherin? Only extremely horrible people were placed into the Slytherin house. Snape had ended up being a somewhat selfless individual by the end of the series, but Ava knew he was a world class jerk a good majority of the time.
She knew herself stubborn, clever, somewhat intelligent and brave. There was no way she deserved to be in the same house as Pansy bratty Parkinson. They weren't the same personality wise. Ava was caring about others feelings - Pansy was exact opposite. Ava didn't go out of her way to abuse or harass others; Pansy did.
Ava felt they were similar to night and day. What inside her head convinced the sorting hat that she was cruel enough to be sorted into Slytherin?
The annoying pug faced girl made Ava's life miserable that night. Pansy told anyone that would listen Ava was a huge lover of mudbloods and blood traitors. She also spread the story of what happened on the Hogwarts Express. The gossip spread like wildfire. The Slytherin house was then split. Pansy's disciples that consisted of Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Foster, Millicent Bulstrode, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise Zambini automatically hated Ava. That meant their neighboring friends in their house also disliked her.
Ava's crime was solely standing up for a first year that Pansy was bullying. The worst aspect of having those particular Slytherins hating her was that those nasty seven were all in her fifth year with her. The majority of Ava's classes would be taken with them. It didn't help that Ava was also stuck sharing a dormitory with the same girls that despised her simply because Pansy told them to.

Ava's entire first night in the dormitory had been spent practically sleeping with one eye open. It was out of fear her own housemates might try something when she closed her eyes. Ava didn't trust the pugged face Pansy as far as she could throw her. Ava knew Pansy was far too smug about sleeping in the same room as her - Pansy was planning something.  Ava was going to have to practice protective charms to place around her four poster bed if she wanted to remain unjinxed or anything such.

By the time breakfast the next morning had arrived, Ava was silently cursing the sorting hat for not placing her in Gryffindor. She could've went into that house - she was brave, she was loyal!
If Peter Pettigrew could be sorted into Gryffindor when he was the type of weasel that betrayed his friends to Voldermort, why couldn't Ava have been placed in the red and gold house? She wasn't a traitor like he was. Therefore, her sorting did not make sense no matter how long she thought about it.
"You look awful," a younger girl with long caramel brown hair said. She sat across from Ava at the long Slytherin table.
Ava knew she was right. Even though her hair was brushed and styled that morning, she hadn't bothered putting on her eye makeup due to the heavy dark circles that littered under her eyes.

Ava mentally noted the girl before her was named Astoria Greengrass before she spoke "You'll have to forgive me for not looking model-ready  today...I couldn't sleep out of fear my evil roommates were going to curse me as I slept," Ava replied dryly.

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