Magic, Lust, and a Prophecy (Sequel to Not So Normal)

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"Hey Lexi!" Caden shouted over the loud music as I walked down the steps. Today was my 18 birthday party. The guys, all of my vampire friends including an ex werewolf boyfriend, threw me a surprise party. They knew I hated surprise parties, but they did it anyway.

It had been two weeks since I found out I was a wizard and a hunter. I still hadn't learned that much about magic. Manly because my over protected father, Logan, doesn't want me to. He told me that magic was too dangerous for a little girl. What I'm I, five?!

Oh and another little thing that was thrown at me in the last couple of weeks was that Damien is the freaking Prince of Vampires, the one that Kristy wanted to marry.

I sat down on the couch and crossed my arms. I was not enjoying this party. It wasn't that the party was bad, but someone that I wanted here didn't show. Eric.

We had a fight a few days ago. It was about me and what I am. The thing that upset me was that he already knew what I was! My mother told him before me! When he told me this I freaked and started yelling and the next thing you know is we weren't speaking anymore. I later found out, from Logan, that he was told so he could protect me. I tried calling him several times to apologize, but he hung up on me every time. But I thought he would at least show up to my birthday party.

The loud music was pounding in my ear drums, making it hard to focus. I stood up from the couch and walked in my new so called house, I moved in with the guys. I was basically living here anyway, but we decided to make it official.

I got in my room and closed the door, the noise cutting off instantly. Am I ever glad to have sound proof walls? I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, as if it could answer all of the questions I had. The main thing that was on my mind, and has been ever since Logan told me, is the prophecy. How could one person kill a whole race?

I knock on the door interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Come in its unlocked!" I shouted not even bothering to get off of the comfy bed.

"Lexi I wanted to give you your presents before I left." Logan opened my door.

He had a long thin box in his arms. I sat up more interested now. He carefully set the box next to me on the bed. I stared at the box, wanting to open it.

"Go ahead open it." Logan smiled.

I ripped off the silver wrapping paper as fast as my hands would let me, and open the box. There were three things inside the box.

The first thing I pulled out was a long gleaming sword. It was about 3 feet long. It looked heaver then it actually was. As soon as the metal handle hit my hand, something happened. I felt connected to the sword. Like we were one. I starred at it in awe and amazement. It was absolutely beautiful.

The next thing I pulled out was a bow and arrow. It was also beautiful. It was silver with gold designs on both the arrow and the bow. The same thing that happened with the sword happened, it felt right. I ran my hands along the soft grey feathers at the end of the arrows.

"What are these?" I asked Logan.

"You are a hunter and you will be needing your weapons if you want to protect yourself."

"So you'll get me a sword and a bow and arrow for my birthday, but you won't teach me magic?" I asked

"Yes exactly." He made no sense. I rolled my eyes giving up on trying to understand my dad.

"Thank you, I love them."

"Oh don't forget theirs one more."

What do you think her last present is??

I hope you like it, more to come!

I need a title! If anyone has any ideas please tell me. I was thinking something like One Prophecy, 4 vampires, 1 werewolf, and 1 hunter. Yeah my life's not so normal. But that's kinda long.

Comment and vote! :)

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