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I couldn't even close my eyes after the text I received four hours ago. Staring at the ceiling in silence seemed to be the only thing I could do at this moment. I feel a lump form in my throat and my heart drop into my ankles as I glance at the digital clock on my bed side, which reads 1:48 am.

A few hours ago, I already decided that I was not going to step a foot out of my apartment tonight. Just the thought of where I could be in 12 minutes causes my eyes to prickle with tears. I can't even hide the fact that I am absolutely terrified. I don't even know half of what is going on and I am already scared for my well-being and what is to happen to me.

These people are dangerous enough to get away with murder, and they are asking me to walk out of the safety of my apartment at 2 in the morning, and then get in a car with them? I am not that fucking stupid.

But I am that curious.

I turn over onto my side, grabbing my phone from the charger before sitting up in frustration. I can't do this. Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the fucking cat, and satisfaction couldn't bring it back because it fucking died!

My actions completely contrast my thoughts as I push my duvet aside to pick up a pair of pants from my floor and I put them on. I run a comb through my dark hair quickly before sliding a hoodie over my head. This is a bad idea, I can already feel it but my adventure instincts are overpowering my intelligent instincts.

I do the best I can in the dark to write a quick sentence on a sticky note to put under my pillow for the police to find if I go missing and they do some investigations.

'I went with Jimin, Jungkook's friend, at 2 in the morning and if I am not back by dawn, something happened.'

My heart beats against my chest as I slip it under, not wanting to leave it in a place where Jae can see it if I am back a bit after she wakes up. The little voice that acts as my conscious reminds me that this is a bad idea as I close the door on the clock that reads 1:54 am.

I make a mental note of how nice my apartment smells just in case I never get a chance to make it back here. Okay, maybe this is over the top but anything can happen. It really isn't like my life has a lot of purpose, so if anything happens the world will still go around. But I do sort of like living, so I'm going to try extra hard to be able to smell my apartment again if anything happens.

Shaking my head at my ridiculous goal, I walk out the door while being careful to avoid the creaky floorboard. I lock the door, unlock it, and then re-lock it once more before hesitantly making my way down the first of four flights of stairs. With each step, my brain comes up with different situations that could happen. It isn't too late to back out.

I take my sweet time as I make my way down, trying to avoid checking the time on my phone and letting the keys in my hand fall out of a stabbing position. An anxiety-filled idiot like me should not be in this situation.

My lungs take in a shaky breath as my feet hit the bottom floor. Shit. I can still go back, but the curiosity really is going to kill me.

I exhale the breath I was holding as I open the door to Jimin and one other guy who I have never seen before leaning against the gray car, as promised.

"Took you long enough," Jimin rolls his eyes at me before opening the front passenger door and gesturing for me to get in. I freeze in my place, regretting my decision to even get out of bed. The brown-haired man and Jimin stare at me as if questioning my next move.

"I don't know. I really don't like how sketchy this all is," I confess, staring down at my converse with my hands behind me back. Jimin sighs, closing the door.

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now