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gentle reminder, the star next to the chapter number means that there is some mature content ahead

As soon as the front door closes, I let out the breath that I feel like I have been holding since he got here. The sound of heavy footsteps approach from the hallway and I do my best to compose myself before Jimin or Yoongi see me crying.

I usually am not one to cry or to be broken, but I know Namjoon was serious about killing me if anything happened to Jimin because of something I do. That's a lot of unknown pressure on me for only being around him.

"What did he say to you?" Jimin frantically asks, pulling me in front of him by my arms. The pads of his fingers feel cold against my skin while he looks for answers from the expression on my face. I look at Yoongi who is standing in the doorway and simply looking at his feet.

"Nothing much," I manage a small smile but I refuse to look at him while I lie. "He seems like a very charming guy."

"Don't bullshit with me, Hana. What did he say?" This time, he brings his hands to cup the sides of my face and makes me look at him. I notice that his deep brown eyes glow in the lamp light of the living room, and that they show as much concern as his voice.

Yoongi fake coughs awkwardly, "I'll be out having a cigarette if anyone needs me."

With that, I see that he switches the same light switch that Jungkook turned on earlier off and steps out. I still don't have the right words to say to Jimin.

"Hana," Jimin says, breaking my concentration on the front door. "What did he say?"

I look up into his eyes once again, "He just wants me to be cautious with you."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"Namjoon just wants to protect you and the rest of the guys, that's all," I say, breaking out a small smile once again. I don't notice that another tear fell from my eyes until he wipes my cheekbone with his thumb, causing me to slowly reach up and grab his arms.

Weak. I'm becoming weak.

I try to step away from him in fear that I will want to stay that close in his comforting presence, but his hold on me doesn't budge. He simply concentrates on my face instead of speaking, his eyes moving to focus from my eyes to my nose to my lips, and back to my eyes again.

I do the same. I look at how close we are in this moment, I look at how intoxicating his own lips seem, I look at his furrowed eyebrows, and I look at the earrings dangling from his ears. His arm muscles move beneath my hands and I shutter. We both realize how close we are to one another.

My mind becomes fuzzy and I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach all because of him, and how I feel is just like the way a female protagonist in a book would describe when she is really close to the boy she likes. However, this isn't a love story and I decide it's too dangerous to get this kind of close with him. We agreed on being friends.

He slowly leans in to get closer, his breath lightly blowing against my face. I close my eyes to take in this moment, to take him all in before he does something stupid because as much as I want him to kiss me, we can't.

"I should start heading home," I whisper to stop him right in his tracks, lowering my hands from his biceps to hold his forearms in front of me as I step away. He lets out a sigh and nods in agreement.

"If you want, I can drive you home. Yoongi and I need to head that way anyways," he offers. It's tempting, I'm not going to lie.

"I don't know," I trail off, not wanting to face any sort of consequence with that temptation. "I can always just take the subway."

{h} the butterfly effect : bts gang auWhere stories live. Discover now