Dominick and Tevon have been together since their senior year of high school and now they live in LA and they've been doing well. But, complications arise between them when Tevon gets offered a position in a basketball team of his choosing. Dominick...
A lot has been going on, I made it on to a team and the guys don't know, my wife is about to give birth soon, and my son Christian is going into 1st grade. And, then a wedding is coming up for my boys, Brian and Micah, and not only that but word in the street is that, Jayce is planning something special for Dominick and Tevon is having his wedding soon! Man a lot is happening!!
Donnie woke up and looked over to see his wife, Amber sleeping peacefully like the Angel she is, and looking undercover to see his wife's belly getting and bigger. He kissed her on the lips and stirred her. She opened her beautiful grey-green eyes and smiled so tenderly.
" hey, baby I see my two ladies are up!" Donnie said, as he kissed her lips.
" hey, morning baby, yes we are both up, I can't wait to get little Sydnee out this belly of mine." Amber said, as she tried getting up. Donnie slipped out the bed and helped his pregnant wife off the bed. He ran her bath water and checked on his son, Christian who was up actually playing on his tablet.
" hey, champ!" Donnie said, smiling.
" hey daddy!" His son, Christian said.
" you hungry?" Donnie said, as he went into the room and picked up his son with the tablet on hand.
" yes, I want some pancakes with chocolate chips and some bacon!" Christian said, laughing.
" alright little man, coming right up!"
" DONNIE... I think my water broke!" Amber yelled from the bathtub.
Donnie rushed to his wife's aid and looked at some fluid coming out. He called 911 knowing that if he tries to get to his family to the hospital the baby will be here!
911: hi, how may I help you?" The operator said.
Donnie: " my wife is giving birth right now and I need to get a doctor or something over here ASAP!" Donnie said, panicking not knowing what to do.
" okay, hold on!" The operator said, as the operator transferred over him to Number.
" baby, I feel the baby!" Amber said, yelling with pain.
" shit!" Donnie cursed.
Christian came in the bathroom wondering what was going on!
" daddy, is mommy having my sister?" Christian said.
" yeah, little man she, why don't you come over and hold Momma's hand.
Christian walked over and held his mom's hand.
" hi, sir.. I'm hearing your wife is giving birth?" The doctor said over the phone.
" yes and I'm wondering what do I do?" Donnie said, as he saw his wife in pain.
" well, where is she?" The doctor asked.
" she's in the bathtub!" Donnie said.
Okay well, what you need to do is get her on the bed and have pillows and a warm towel around." The Doctor explained.
" man, I don't have time for that! My wife is giving birth right now, so I need to know what to do!" Donnie yelled.
" baby calm down, call Micah and the others!" Amber said.
Donnie hung up and called the others. He explained the situation and they were on their way.
" hey, son can you hold mommy' hand until I get back.
" yes daddy!" Christian said.
Donnie ran down the steps and without a shadow of a doubt his friends were there, Dominick, Micah, Brian and even Jayce.
" hey, y'all I need you Dominick to get the towel , and Micah get Christian for me so he can be distracted, and Brian and Jayce help me with Amber. " Donnie said, feeling relieved that he had his boys helping out.
They each got what they needed to do and, Dominick got a warm towel and the others helped Amber to the bed. After, they all got their things. Dominick and Jayce held ambers hand and Donnie called the Doctor back.
"Sorry, about that I got my friends to help out, so what I need to do next?" Donnie asked.
" check her crevice to see where the baby's head is located.
Donnie checked her crevice and noticed the baby's head was almost out.
" the baby's head is practically out sir, Donnie explained.
" well, tell her to breath as she pushes.
Micah and Jayce told her to breath and then push.
Amber breathed bated and pushed and pushed.
Donnie reached into her crevice to see where the baby was. He saw the head and was about to faint but, Dominick got him in time.
" you good, Donnie?"
" yeah man, just was feeling nauseated.
Amber breathed again and pushed more and Donnie caught the baby and she was out. The baby cried and Jayce got the towel and suction. After, the baby was dried off and wrapped in a warm towel and was given to Amber.
" hey, Sydnee welcome to the world!" Amber said, softly and kissed her tender forehead. She was light skinned and had brown eyes.
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Sydnee Mm
They all gathered around and was smiling and all felt overjoyed and happy.