Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Typically, I liked walking around downtown because no one looked at you whether you dressed to be invisible or not. People just rushed past with their heads down and didn’t give a damn that people were bustling by them.

A couple of Close all Doors songs had been inspired by the rhythm of the city and the downtown in particular. Sometimes the band and I would just sit on a bench and watch people. We’d make up stories about anyone who caught our eye, inventing whole lives for them that were probably far from their real ones.

That day as I walked down Fifth Avenue, I kept my gaze up and walked slowly, making my way towards the bookstore that I’d told Gabriel I’d meet him at.

I spotted a tall man walking towards me in a red dress wearing a long black coat. His make-up was impeccable and his hair was curled perfectly. He looked beautiful even if you could tell he was a man. The way he moved was fluent and graceful even in high heels. As we got closer he smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back, noticing that his teeth were white and straight and his smile was not fake but came from the heart. I saw laughter in his eyes as he took in my outfit and it made me smile even more. For some reason I felt like he knew all my secrets, that by wearing a dress and living as a woman, he knew that I was not being true to myself.

After a moment I lost sight of him as a crowd of people came between us and I was still feeling that sense of connection when I entered the book store.

It was a locally owned book store called Old Rock. They sold coffee and treats as well but their used book collection was what drew most of the customers in.

I was browsing the astronomy section when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see Gabriel with his patented smirk on his face but instead, I saw Frank with a genuine smile on his lips.

“Hey Ev, what’s up? You’re not practicing today?”

“Frank!” I said, my voice slightly high pitched. “What are you doing here?”

“Practice got cancelled today so I thought I’d look around for some music before heading over to Jam.”

Frank was on the basketball team and they practiced every day after school which was why our band practice started at five. Alice was also in her school concert band which practiced until four thirty every day.

“Well, I’ll give you my key and you can let yourself in. I have to do that home ec project today, remember?”

He comically smacked his hand into his forehead. “That’s right! I completely forgot about that. I can just wait until you’re done if you want.”

“It’s cool, I trust you,” I said casting a glance around his shoulder to make sure no one new came into the book store.

Once I’d handed him the key to the back door at Jam and he walked out of the shop with a small wave in my direction, I finally managed to breathe for the first time since my two worlds threatened to collide.

“I don’t think he’s your type.”

I yelped and whirled around coming face to face with Gabriel.

“What the hell, Gabriel! You scared me!” I put my hand to my chest trying to still my racing heart. Had he heard? What exactly did I say to Frank? Did I mention the band? I didn’t think I had.

“My apologies.” He dipped an exaggerated bow made all the more ridiculous by the teasing glint in his eyes.

“Whatever, it’s fine. You ready?” I decided that ignoring the subject of Frank was probably the best way to solve the issue.

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