Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I must have read the words a hundred times before they fully sank in.

Dear Evelyn Taylor,

We regret to inform you that your acceptance into Clayton University has been withdrawn. If you have any questions, please contact the registrar’s office.

After that there was a bunch of numbers and names that told me where to go with my complaints but my eyes weren’t focusing anymore. I was waiting for Gabriel in the lobby of the condo and had checked the mailbox like I did every day. There wasn’t usually any mail addressed to me but this time there was and it was definitely not good.

I was sitting on one of the couches, still staring at the piece of paper in my hands when someone sat down beside me. “Earth to Evie,” Gabriel said waving a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my catatonic state.

My eyes swung to his and I could feel tears forming as I looked at him. “They kicked me out,” I whispered, my throat beginning to close up as I thrust the letter at him.

He frowned, taking the letter and reading it. His eyes widened as he read the concise script. “What the hell? Did you fail a test or something?” I shook my head, staring at my lap morosely. “This doesn’t make any sense!” he shouted.

I shook my head, feeling numb as tears started to course down my cheeks. “What am I going to do now?” I asked quietly.

“Well, we’re going to fight it, of course. They have to at least give you a reason before they withdraw your acceptance. Once we find that out, then we’ll go from there.” He wrapped his left arm around me and pulled me close against him. I leaned in gratefully, feeling my panic recede a bit.

“My grades haven’t changed,” I muttered. “They’ve actually gotten a bit better.” I laughed without humour and Gabriel tightened his hold on me and the letter making it wrinkle. Suddenly I stood up and marched towards the door.

“What are you doing?” he asked, jogging to catch up to me.

“I need to talk to Principal Tomb. I’m getting a feeling that he’s involved in this.” I didn’t want to say it but I wondered silently if my mother had played a role in my rejection. My stomach clenched at the thought and my heart lurched at the possibility that she could do this to me. All my life, my one goal had been to go away to college where I could finally be free and now that was being ripped away from me.

I climbed on the back of Gabriel’s motorcycle and as it roared to life, I reminded myself that I wasn’t that silent girl anymore who hid herself from her own mother. I would make it through this one way or another and I knew without a doubt that not only did I have Gabriel on my side but I had a whole slew of people who had faith in me and cared about me.

I didn’t bother stopping at my locker when we arrived at school. Instead, Gabriel and I went straight to the office and waited for Mr. Tomb to see us. He made us wait for half an hour before he admitted us to his office. “I hope this is quick because I’m very busy this morning,” he said as we sat down in front of his desk. He wouldn’t meet my eyes, convincing me further that he was involved.

“Do you have any idea why Clayton University decided to withdraw my acceptance?” I asked and silently congratulated myself when my voice came out smooth and steady.

His eyes briefly connected with mine before sliding away again. He gave a slight shrug before clearing his throat. “Maybe it has something to do with the violence you demonstrated just outside of this office a few weeks ago,” he said quietly.

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