Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Gabriel’s hand held my arm tightly as I backed up and stared, my heart beating double time.

He looked at me before looking at Frank and then finally settled his gaze on me, his expression unreadable.

His hand was still gripping my arm and I was starting to panic. My hair was down and I wasn’t wearing my glasses but I’d changed back into my cardigan and khaki pants. I was half rock Evie and half invisible Evelyn.

“You should pay more attention or your date will think you’re clumsy,” Gabriel said.

Date? I glanced over at Frank and saw that he was smiling at Gabriel the way that boys smile at each other just before they start fighting.

“I’m not the only one who wasn’t looking,” I said, indignant. If his eyes were open, he would have stopped me before I bumped into him.

“He was looking,” Frank said, his eyes like ice but a smile still on his face as he looked at Gabriel. “He let you run into him. Do you know this guy?”

He’d addressed the question to me but he didn’t remove his eyes from Gabriel.

“We go to school together.” I shrugged.

Frank’s head whipped in my direction and his expression turned shocked. “You go to school together? And he recognizes you? You guys talk during school?”

I glanced at Gabriel who was looking down at me quizzically.

“Gabe? What are you doing? You left me standing in that music store all alone. What made you run out?” A girl came up to where the three of us were standing and latched onto Gabriel’s arm. A girl I recognized.

Her gaze collided with mine and her expression turned murderous for a second before clearing into cheerful friendliness.

I blinked. “You go to our school, right?” she said sticking her hand out for me to shake. “I’m Catherine Stone.” She gripped my hand so tightly I almost winced before she let go.

“Your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you talk to people at school?” Gabriel asked in a hard voice as he glared at Frank and ignored the other girl’s existence.

Puzzled, I looked over at Frank who looked as puzzled as I did.

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” we denied at the same time. I couldn’t help but laugh a little and Frank gave a shaky chuckle.

Gabriel’s expression seemed to darken.

“Lighten up, Gabe. Every boyfriend gets a little jealous. Of course he doesn’t want her talking to guys at school.” She playfully swatted him on the shoulder before regaining her hold on his arm. He didn’t seem to notice. He was still glaring at Frank. “Besides,” she continued, winking at me, “they say they’re not dating.” Her voice was sarcastic as she continued, “He’s probably just surprised she talks to anyone. You’re a little socially awkward, aren’t you?” She directed the question at me and I felt my teeth grinding together at her superior attitude.

Gabriel turned his gaze to her and was about to say something but stopped when I started laughing.

“Well this time you got it right. I am socially awkward.” I laughed again feeling my anger at her slip away as I recognized her words as true. How many 18 year olds dress completely unfashionably and go out of their way to avoid conversations with any of their classmates? Let’s face it, I was socially awkward.

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