He loves her ..

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*SeoIn's house*

-SeoIn ... open the door please , I need to talk to you ..
That's was Ms young standing behind the door , she kept knocking over and over however SeoIn was trying to ignore her until she heard something interesting ...
-Seo In , I'm here to talk to you about Gray ...open the door ..
The girl jumped from her bed then she opened the locked door asking : " what , what ?"..
-Can I enter first ?
The girl nodded ...
they set on the bed , Than Ms young started explaining : " you are my daughter after all and seeing you in such situation kills me day by day , I really want to make sure that you are happy that's why I think I will accept your relation with Gray , but in one case ... I need to talk to him ..."
SeoIn couldn't believe what she was hearing , she held the shoulders of her mum , with teary eyes questioning : " MUM ,, ARE YOU SUUUUURE ? YOU WON'T TAKE IT BACK , ISN'T IT ..."
Ms Young was extremely delighted for seeing how much SeoIn was happy ..She remembered her first time when her parents met her Boyfriend ;with who she run away and she gave birth for SeoIn; and how they didn't accept him too ... Maybe her pain was the main reason for refusing Gray , yet after a long time of thinking she was afraid : what if her daughter does the same with that dangerous Gangsta .. after all Ms young knew that Gray ADORE SeoIn and all knew that too....

Seo In kept hugging her mum ,finally she will be able to meet Gray without any problem ...
Suddenly they heard the ringing of the phone ..
Ms young Picked up ..
-Good morning , this is Ms Kim ...
-Hello how are you ? how is Hayi ?..
-What ??, I'm calling u , to ask you if Hayi slept in your house , she didn't come back home yesterday ...
-OMG Ms Kim , I can't believe that , Hayi didn't even come ... Did you call the police ..?
-No , no need she will be fine ... thanks anyway ...
-Wait I will ask SeoIn if she knew about her ...
-SEO IN , come here and talk you Ms Kim ..
SeoIn held the phone , greeting Hayi's mother
-My dear Seo In do you know where is Hayi ?
-I really don't know , and I can't remember if she told me anything .. I'm worried Ms Kim ..
-Don't worry dear , she must be somewhere ,,, maybe she met some friends and they went to a night club ...
-Hope so ...

Ms Kim was so angry an upset ,,,, she kept calling her yet no answers ...

*Gray's house*

Gray waked up finding himself sleeping next to Hayi , his head on her stomach and her fingers were between his dark hair ... he stood up trying to close the window since it was so shiny ...
then he descended calling one of his maid to give him some water ....
He had a headache besides everything seemed dizzy for him ,it was so hard for him to open his eyes even though he slept well yesterday , maybe he became ill ... or Whatever ..
He took the glass of water , looking into it ... oh gosh , He found Seo In yet he didn't even remember to contact her ,,, He wasn't sure about his feels but he didn't even want to see her , let's say he wasn't ready for taking care of her ...oh she must be sad ...
Gray kept thinking about how he could deal with everything as soon as possible , then he remembered MS kim how would she react when she will discover the whole story ... She must be worried about her girl now... Gray couldn't delete Hayi from his thoughts even though it's not the first time for him to see one of his girls being raped ; well in the past he used to employ girls , yet after seeing how would they be hurt he stopped that ... He remembered one of his girls was raped in front of him by 10 men and he couldn't do anything since he was acting like he doesn't care .. that's Gray's problem ; he does care about people but he can't show them , it's so hard to express his feels ... only with SeoIn , everything was different , she could feel him just by the way he breaths next to her ear...
Gray tried to forget everything so he laid back on his sofa , nothing to do just holding a can of beer which he found on the table ,until Hayi's voice made him jump from his place :
-Gray ...
Her voice was so low , it's clear she stills sick and tired .. she was trying to go to the first floor , Gray stood in the first stair to hold her hand ... He could see how much she was exhausted ,even when she set she couldn't close her legs.. that's made Gray even more sad ...
Hayi looked into his eyes she could understand the whole thing through them , she was satisfied for discovering that Gray really DOES CARE about her .. She almost forget about her mum , her school , her big problem of being raped just by getting deeper into his Cold-hot eyes ..
Yeah , they seemed that dark, gloomy , mirk eyes but they were worm for Hayi ...
She took his hand revealing : " don't worry everything will be okay .."
-What about your mom , you won't be able to go home before u become better , she shouldn't see any of your injury Hayi ...
-okay , don't worry I will deal with her ... Give me your phone ..
-What are you doing ?
-Well I will call my grandmother , she is like a friend for me , She used to tell my mom that I'm in her house when I 'm sleeping outside Hahaha
-Omg hahaha What a grandma .. but I'm wondering why do you have to sleep outside and you stiil virgin ?
-OMG Gray ;;; I meant , when there is a pajama party with friends ...
-Oh sorry ...
-Why so dirty ? OMG ...
-I said sorry don't make in bigger ...

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