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The notes flow off the strings

As I drag the bow across them

Creating the most beautiful, harmonious sounds

I am a musician

The smells float out of the pot

As the soup comes to a boil

Creating the most flavorful, delicious meal

I am a chef

The silence echoes throughout the theater

As I give my lines

Creating the most perfect, heart-stopping performance

I am an actress

The judge pounds the gavel against the podium

As I anticipate my victory

Creating the most outstanding, triumphant win

I am a lawyer

The sounds of the music dance in my head

As I prance around my room

Creating the most free, embarrassing spectacle

I am a dancer

The planet I know so well slowly fades away

As I realize that the stars can't shine without darkness

Creating the most awe-inspiring, picture-perfect moment

I am an astronaut

The beauty of the song is clear

As I belt out the last few notes

Creating the most marvelous, spectacular use of my voice

I am a singer

The memories of the bombs bursting in the air come back to me

As the audience gives me a round of applause

Creating the most heartfelt, warm welcome

I am a veteran

The blueprints cover my desk

As I revise them one by one

Creating the most elaborate, genius designs

I am an architect

The patient looks as sick as ever

As I tell the news no one wants to hear

Creating the most heart-breaking, melancholy reunion

I am a doctor

The sounds of people turning the pages of their favorite book is all I hear

As I shelve old and new book alike

Creating the most appeasing, hushed environment

I am a librarian

The words steadily flow out of my mind

As soon as I touch pencil to paper

Creating the most exciting, mesmerizing story

I am a writer

Inside my imagination

I am anything I want to be.

But outside my imagination

I am me.

And that is who I choose to be

Because me is truly beautiful.

The Wave: A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now